Grifball Pro Bowl! For the third installment of my latest Grifball maps, I used the stunt ramps for the floor, added some spuffy visuals, and added some special fx to give it some flair and to make it stand out from the rest. These maps will be reviewed once the Mod for Grifball Hub is available and if given enough votes itl be featured in matchmaking. Also give some feedback, as I will be referring back to this post for further reviews. Ive also added a little spectator area for GGL matches. Spectators are Green team. So please download and recommend this map and give some feedback, I would greatly appretiate it and who knows maybe you'll see these maps in matchmaking, ill bump this as soon as there up for review and ill ask you to vote. Heres my previous maps: : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details Hope You Enjoy!!
nice map with nice aesthetics! the only thing is the F*****G purple effect it ruins everything for me :/
Right now its kind of hard to see the capture plate, but I guess a waypoint could fix that. All of your Grifball maps are beast, man. Keep up the good work!
Thanks everyone for the amazing feedback, im glad you all enjoy it, I seem to have much more success with my grifball maps so thats what im gona work on, im currently working on my fourth as we speak, unfourtunatly the grifball hub mod who sends these maps to bungie is currently unavailible to review these maps but as soon as there up for review ill bump this with the link so you can all vote it. Until then, have fun and keep postin that great feedback
Out of all your griffball maps, I like this one best. I feel it deserves to be in matchmaking and I would always vote for it. I love the floor and the spawn point asthetics (little glowing squares) I understand how you did it all and it makes for a great affect. Speaking of which, the FX's really do make this map stand out and will create some pretty awesome moments with the gravity explosions. Even though I don't play griffball too much, keep these maps going and keep striving for the matchmaking opportunity! You'll get it eventualy.
Really cool map man, to me it looks like the old tron arena [br][/br]Edited by merge: Hey man sweet map kind of reminds me of the old TRON arena