Spawn Killing is a major issue in GriffBall, though it sometimes can be fun and I think it's overused in the Double EXP Weekend. And you didn't have to take all of those pictures.
You *** you were spawn camping. Thanks for exploiting one of the few problems in an otherwise great game. This doesn't take skill, it takes avoiding the point of a game to try to look good.
Its funny how you say you got a perfection yet the perfection medal is only awarded in Slayer gametypes, and Griffball is assault.... Nice attempt though.
My friend DRiSCOLL had like 14 kills in a row while spawn camping .. Thats the only thing bad about Grifball .. Oh and betrayals !
Once again I was not spawn killing I was clearing the area so that they could plant the bomb, I wasnt camping behind the spawn points?? You didnt have to call me a ***?? Bad mood or something?