I don't mean to offend anyone but I personally don't understand why this game grifball is so popular. The game itself probably took about 30 mins to make and offers no variety what-so-ever. The design of the game itself follows the basic newbie design standard of Hammers and/or swords + gravity and speed modifier = mindless fun. You see the other team across the empty map and attempt to get the ball past them or take it from them... Sure there can be some strategies involved in this game but can't that basically be said about any other objective based game? The only reason this game and map have seen such popularity in the community is the simple fact that it's made by the guys who make RvB. And like a lap dog, Bungie is willing to post this crap, while completely ignoring quality maps from the community. It would be nice to Bungie stop playing favorites and create a legitimate list of favorite custom games. :squirrel_rant:
Hmm... Well, the name is Bungie Favorites. Unbeknownst to most, Bungie Favorites is determined by what has the most Downloads. Not sure exactly what ratio, but yeah. That's why this got up there.
I see what you're saying and i guess the point i'm trying to get across is that Bungie should create a most popular list of custom games rather than their personal favorites.
That was my view on it at first. But then i actually played it for the first time... It's fun to play, sure it was easy to make but its a great game.
I agree, it is a fun game because there are multiple ways to play it, like a sport but not as cool (lol). This makes the game fresh each new round. That is what makes the map, the amount of replayability and with a sport it is high. Good fun.
to each their own I suppose, I guess my years of playing football in h2 have aged this type of game in my eyes.