GRIFBALL 2: REVENGE OF GRIF i made a preview for this a little while ago and i kinda didn't start making it immediately so its a little late on the post. here is the final product anyway, some things from the preview had to be changed, primarily just the spawn walls and also where i put the spawns. on another note, i felt that 4v4 was simply a little too small for such a map so i recommended that you have a 5v5 game at the most. i hope you enjoy this little creation of mine. OVERVIEW: RED SPAWN: BLUE SPAWN: BOMB SPAWN: HERE ARE SOME ACTION SHOTS I MANAGED TO CONJURE UP...
While I'm no fan of Grifball, I love the Aesthetics to this map. Not to mention, it was a nice touch to throw in the skylight with the "invisible barrier" on it. What I love though, has to be the inclusion of the grassy terrain in the center. Offers some variation to it. While I can't say I'll play it often, I can say it was forged nicely! 8/10
This looks like a real nice spin on grif ball, i'll be sure to give this a play with my buddies =D Don't ya think "Grifbal 2: Grif's Revenge" sounds better?
I helped playtest this map, and I have to say, I really enjoy it. It adds quite a nice spin on grifball, and I have to say, it ACTUALLY has a roof. Which makes total sense.
so far i have gotten nothing but compliments both on forging sites and in person. the funny part is that the other people who posted maps similar to mine didn't think to put a roof on their structure and as for the quiddage maps, they didn't have anything to land on for the bomb. you would think that these things would just be common sense. anywho, thanks for the feedback guys. send it to your friends and have some fun with my little idea here.
One thing that really stands out is the floor, Ive never seen someone come up with this idea, everything looks nice and it can be my favorite grifball map for now. My only thing that bothers me is that it maybe to small for jet ball grifball.
i felt that it was nice size in all, just that the diagonal layout doesn't give people a good amount of time to catch up.
I thought it was a really nice map. I know you were being creative, but It probably would have been easier to make it in the Collosium
see, if i made it in the Colosseum, that would bee way to easy and non-creative. personally if i just built it there i wouldn't even really consider it a map. the land formation in the center i think does add a nice touch to it though.
From looking at your pictures the centre of the map does look very interesting and adds good aesthetics to the map, but the overall feeling i get when i look at this map is "Oh wow a box" It doesn't have a lot of aesthetics apart from that grassy terrain and i think it would be a lot nicer if it did. The plant points seem a little random yet look interesting with them being on the slopes. And from your action shots it seems like the majority of the gameplay is done on the grassy terrain and once you manage to proceed past that terrain you gain a significant advantage.
for the next grifball map i make i plan on having more of an artistic feel to the design and maybe take the center structure out of the map. i'll probably get the new version up in about a week or two.
looking at the pictures. i love the grassy middle. love the sky light + roof. problems i have with this map is it seems like the roof is to low (could just be the pics). also i believe it needs a little more in the aesthetics department. other than tht. solid arena. 6.5/10 good to hear.
This looks like a good minigame map (Down to the point) but there are a few things that I can see from the screenshots: One, the grass pillar in the middle appears to be easier to climb on one side than the other. This could mean that red team would almost always get the bomb first. (I'm not completely sure of the spawns, though. So this might not even be a problem.) Two, a 45[sup]o[/sup] ramp leading to a bomb plant just is not very visually appealing. I'm afraid the grass will not cut it for me. You could improve this by adding a small base where the spawns are, that look sort-of like wide castle walls (without the crenelations) and have multiple ramps leading down. Another way to make this more of a "V2" would be to have a raised walkway circling the areana, which is connected to the spawn bases. This would allow players to flank the other team. Third: Simple aesthetics can be nice, like small areas that mimic little ruins or something. Overall this looks like a great map and if I did not comment on something it probably means I thought it was good. Have a nice day.