Since on the 6th bungie giving out recon for a non ranked event of Grif ball who is in on it? meaning do you want to team up ? or should group on the site do what ever... I think it would be really fun for there to be a team Forge on it... but feed back?
Great idea, if I end up being on Live then, I will gladly play with polite and respectable members of the Forge Hub community. But I will under no circumstance get stuck with some cursing, non mic-weilding ally, as that is stuuuuuupid
if you want to play...hit me up with an invite. -- as a rule...I play XBL with a mic, but use the mic only for general chat or strategy purposes - i dont sing, use racial slurs, insult people, or any of that crap that you see any day on XBL. so feel free to send me an invite
Well I have to agree with a good team..aspect... I know a few members that are probably already willing but we are short a well more players never hurt... I think This was more of a challenge for hub members to get into this event...