
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Draw the Line, Jun 29, 2008.

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  1. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
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    i believe ive played this b4 a while ago maybe even.. it was an older version tho this 1 looks just as good and obviously goin to play better. im goin to dl as soon as i make some room. this map is an inpire to a new map im making in the process which youll prolly forget that i said this by the time i post it but its deff not goin to be as good as any of your maps b/ there amazing.
  2. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    I had a blast playing this map. I really dig the design, and the forging is, as everyone else has already stated, above and beyond. Great job, dude.

    Not sure if you planned this, but the danger sign on the wall at the end of the laser corridor is so freaking appropriate... Seriously, if you go in there, nine times out of ten, you ain't coming out.
  3. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    I don't remember this map but it looks good I'll give it a try.
  4. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    i can't wait to play this! i loved the original it plays amazingly one of my favorite maps
  5. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    I got to play this map too and it was a lot of fun. Very featureable indeed…
  6. St0weboarder

    St0weboarder Ancient
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    looks great, very well done with vehicles and all
  7. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Good job DTL, had a lot of fun testing this out and I look forward to more hectic games on this map.

    The best part of this map is that while it's design is so simple, it never gets old. I see a lot of maps on this site that are very elaborate and aesthetically amazing, but this map succeeds in being just as fun while being basically just a grid design. And when you can accomplish something like that you have a guaranteed hit on your hands. And that's what you have my friend. Now lets add it to the growing list of GoO maps that have graced the front page of FH.
  8. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    Woot, this map looks great. Very clean merging and interlocking but thats easy for rick xD.
  9. RANDY M47

    RANDY M47 Ancient
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    map looks too little for vehicles
  10. Snip3rs Creed

    Snip3rs Creed Ancient
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    Looks nicely done, 4/5.
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    You have to be somewhat skilled to drive the warthog in this map, but it certainly isn't too small for vehicles. The map was named Gridlocked for a reason...
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Sweet, you made a new version of Gridlock! I'll get back to you after I've played it, but damn, it looks great. I think that Gauss Hog will be very fun to use in this type of map, since it'd be good for holding off certain areas.
  13. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    You will forever be my hero for remaking this map to perfection, and keeping the Gauss hogs. Gauss hogs are very underused, and the fact that you used them here is great! The original has been deleted from my HDD, and this one is now its replacement. I like the fact that you kept the same general feel to the map, and didn't change it too much. Merging the double boxes down was a nice touch, though kind of unnecessary. I also really like the new bridges where the snipers spawn, as they're very cool and nice. The fact that you can now easily jump up to the elevated platforms is also great. Plus, the crossed bridges above the hammer spawn are just sexy.

    I only have three problems with the map, and they're fairly minor so don't really mean much. First of all, you broke the "two grenade" law, but seeing as you only placed two Firebombs (and in a neutral location) I can't really say it affects gameplay that much. People that want them will get them, so they're more like a weapon than grenades. My second problem is how narrow the little entrance into the Splazer spawn is, but that's just personal preference (I do understand that you used them to protect the spawns within). Lastly, I dislike the fact that you used weapon holders for the Power Drains, but again that's just personal preference.

    As a final FYI, it is possible to get on top of all of your structures, and it's fairly easy. Simply go to one of the two Shotgun spawns, jump up the dumpster and onto the Wall, and then grenade jump to one of the vertical Double Boxes nearby. From then on, it's an easy nade jump up to the top of the Fence boxes for height dominance. However, I don't think getting up there really effects gameplay, since your spawns are all fairly protected and I'd imagine your system would be able to handle a height sniper.

    Overall, this map gets a 10 out of 10 because it is clean, beautifully interlocked/geo-merged, and fixed all of the problems with the original.
  14. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Nice update. The spawning was a problem in some games. Nice to know its been fixed. Its nice to know an already great map is getting better. Although I havent played it on territories yet. Ill make sure to. thnx DTL.
  15. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    I tried this with Ctf and it was kinda fun really! But I'm not really a fan of those kinda maps, but I think it's 5/5. Really nice merging and interlocking!
  16. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I'm not sure what's wrong, but I can't download it. Everytime I queue it, it says it failed to transfer on my Xbox.
  17. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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  18. Spitfire288

    Spitfire288 Ancient
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    i really like this map, i love how everyone says that this is a crappy map for vehicals, i think it takes skill to drive on this map. (thats one reason why i like it) Also one thing i like is the very intense territories games, nonstop action. v3??
  19. FishCrackers

    FishCrackers Ancient
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    It still won't let me download the map. I ca download anything but this map....
  20. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    That looks like a crapload of fun to play. only improvements i could think of right now are make more room for being on the upper level/walkways. it seems like there isnt much walking space above ground level.

    I could be wrong

    but this is definately queue'd
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