Gridlock from Gears of War by R34P3R 0F D34TH Recommended Players- 4-14 Welcome to Gridlock. This map is a remake from the classicly well designed map from Gears of War, and remade in a Halo feel. Please, step in, but watch the blood stained walls. --- Gametype: Gears of War Player Speed- 90% Primary weapon- Assault Rifle secondary weapon- Shotgun Equipment- Evade Sensors- None Lives- 1 Rounds- 7 Vehicle use- None --- Let's see an overview of the Battlefield, shan't we? Overview The map consists of two major spawns, and forces the players into locked combat. Several vehicles are layed upon the map, and provide cover. This cover shouldn't be used to an extent, because one shot ant the fusion coils surrounding the tanks will send out an explosive sight of beauty. Let's follow the Blue team as they start off the round. Blue Spawn Right off of the Loudout screen every player has a place they want to be. A weapon they want to harness, and will murder anything that get's into their way. Starting Choices Up the ramp will lead to your Snipertower, 2 precious sniper clips await you if you grasp the fabric of your team in your hands. Blue Sniper Tower A better view of the Sniper Tower. Your Sniper Tower consists of a broad view of the map, and good watch-out section for any enemy's who attempt to flank you. Keep a sharp eye down the center of the map, the staircase will bring up enemies that aren't going to hesitate to blow your brains out with their loaded shotguns. Staircase banks Off to the center of the map for each teams spawns consists a small ramped bank. This bank is used for both teams for flanking Snipers, and taking cover around the map without being a walking timebomb. The Clock-tower The Clocktower splits the map and halts the Snipers point of view. Theirs no climbing over it, and your either going to go around it, or go strait through it. It you've got the guts, a Plasma Launcher awaits you inside of the Tunnel. Clock-Tower Tunnel The Plasma Launcher spawns in-between each Snipertower, and crushed beneath the Clocktowers force. Central Building Both teams may end up racing towards this central building, It's the first sign of map control and a team can easily go past an enemy's Snipertower unnoticed if not checked. Central Building Inside view A Concussion Rifle awaits anyone daring enough to grab it. Map Center The Grenade Launchers sits in the center of the map, eager to crack the shields of your enemies. Battlefield Overview Red Snipertower The opposing Snipertower, waiting for his move. Red Spawn Symmetric to the Blue Spawn, Red's will not hesitate to attack. --- Download an Enjoy Gridlock to fight your friends over true map dominance. --- Special Thanks too- ianian 58- Don't think you'll be left out of my Special Thanks. Sure you hardly helped and your a dirty puetorican (inside joke, calm down people), but you've always inspired my forging. Wave By- Your a great Custom Gamer, and I wouldn't had the chance to test this map without you. I owe u one broz. Poison Candy- Thanks for helping out with the original Gridlock weapon layout, I would not have been able to balance the map without it. And everybody else who helped, you know who you are. Download and enjoy! Added after 3 Hours 19 minutes: I hate to bump, but come on. Anyone? All I want is some constructive criticism.
Looks very good. but why not replace the plasma launcer whit a rocket launcher with 0 extra clips? thats the original boomshot
Excellent map! I really enjoy the gears of war franchise; even more than Halo. I love to see GoW maps recreated, and from what I can tell this is a good one. I guess my only real problem is the fact that the weapon layout is different. Idk, I'd like to see it stay as close to possible as the original. maybe change the CR to Rockets with 0 additional clips. Maybe replace the snipers with DMRs, and place a single sniper rifle in the center. That's just me though, being a picky GoW fan. In all seriousness though, awwwsome job.