This is my first post to these forums so I'm hoping I'm putting this in the right section. If not could someone let me know? thanks. My new map "Gridland" is finally available to download from my file share or with the tag "gridland", please tell me what you think of it through here or XBL there is about 21 total forge hours put into this. Gridland is unique in its own way as you will see below in the pics. by using the "grids" in a way nobody may have thought to, I was able to create something different. Feedback is welcome The grids DO stay in a custom match, some may think they disappear after leaving forge. It is made for team slayer but can be modified for other game types.
Honestly, it seems like a cool map, but the grid is distracting. I would prefer it if you just put some coliseum walls down to make the ground instead of the grid. I realize you're trying to be original and that it wouldn't really be "Gridland" without it, but I don't know how well it works in respect to gameplay. Seriously, though, the rest of the map seems to be well done. I haven't had a chance to play it with many people, but the weapon placement seems good and I like a lot of the creativity you've exhibited. Get rid of the grid, and I call it 7.5/10 (and I tend to judge harshly). With the grid, you might get a little more attention, but it's not going to be as good of a map, in my humble opinion.
I do appreciate your input, however the grids will be staying as on the regular bungie forums I have had remarkable feedback about using them the way I did. I'ts your opinion weather it is distracting but I'll stick to what it is for now. I will however make an alternate without the grids and see how it plays out, before possibly releasing it.