Mehh, i like it. Opinions, suggestions, random **** all welcomed. Garcacias. V1 Dark Bumper V2 Light Bumper V3 No pixel Stock Spoiler
why thank you frag man. It gives me hope. Seems as if people either Love it or Hate it. mehh, tough decision ahead.
Maybe if you instead of pixelating the left side, you added a blur. I like what you've got. Excellent clarity.
The pixelated bit really bugged me, but the newer version is much better, gives a better feel of speed.
Im pretty sure im going to submit V2. I like the pixelated look as well. But Its hard, so many people like V3 i might go with that.
You should see my eyes right now. Everytime I want to look more to the left my eyes shift to the right real quick. I really hate the pixely stuff. Maybe make it blur and sharpen the right side for depth. Other than that, nice sig.
It looks like there is a women in the bottom left of V3, maybe its just me. Make V3 have a dark bumper, that might look better. The pixels don't look all that great to be honest. (which implies that I'm normally not).