Grenade Raid on Bomb Blitz Don't get stuck! Download Map Download Gametype Description: Hi, this is my first map post on Forgehub. But I'll do my best to make a good post. In Grenade Raid, the objective is simple. Humans- Survive until the end of the round without getting blown up. Bombers (Zombies)- Blow up the Humans by any means possible. Sounds easy right? Wrong. This game involves quite a bit of strategy on both the Human AND Zombie's part. Although if you want to play with no strategy at all, go ahead. That's the beauty of this game. We'll start with the Humans. You start trapped in a fairly small room. Surrounded by 3 windows. The zombies will try to stick you (Or blow you up) by throwing grenades through those windows. To help you out, there is various equipment found on both floors. Deployable Covers- These things can save your life. They're best placed infront of a window. Bubble Shield- This thing makes you pretty much invincible. Its a great thing to have with only about 10 seconds left, as it makes sure you win the game. Unless you place it right next to a window. Flamebombs- These are a great weapon to have. They can blind and/or kill your enemies. Spike Grenades- These are great for killing zombies or barricading. (more on this later.) Flare- The use for these is obvious. Blind your enemies. Regenerator- Hurt from a grenade explosion? Use this! Grav Lift- Place infront of a window to redirect grenades, or boost your teammates up to the top floor. Now, normally, all the humans spawn downstairs. But there's one spawn upstairs. If someone spawns upstairs, they can use the provided grav lift to let their teammates up. If no one spawns upstairs, or the person who spawns upstairs doesnt throw a grav lift down, a grav lift will spawn after 30 seconds. Once upstairs, more options and equipment become available. Be careful, zombies can destroy grav lifts! Barricading- On the bottom floor there is a crate, on the top, a wire spool. Melee these similarily to how you would in Township. If moved up against a window, these can be very useful. (Especially the crate.) Survive for 3 minutes and you win the game! Next, we have the Bombers. These guys start outside infront of a shelf. 10 seconds in, plasma grenades spawn. The zombies then take the grenades... And throw them through the windows. Upon killing a human, he joins your team. Now, killing humans isnt easy. That's why on the other side of the shelf you spawn infront of, is another shelf, containing equipment. Power Drain- This, combined with the explosion of a grenade=1 easy kill. Flare- Same use as the humans', blind them, then stick em. Flamebombs- Nail a human with one of these for an easy kill. Brute shot- This baby packs a punch. Combined with a power drain it's VERY deadly. Flamethrower- Great for clearing the bottom floor. This can end the game. Around the map are many places that make it easier to kill humans through windows. The two best windows for killing people are: The back window The top left window. (When facing the house.) Kill all the humans to win! Time for some pictures... Human Spawn. Bomber Spawn. Overview Behind the house. Grav Lift & Deployable Cover Upstairs Barricading. Lettin' his teammates up. Stuck Good Aim. You can guess this won't end well. Safe at last. The creator holding a Brute Shot. Tips: Humans Corners are your friends. Use deployable covers as soon as you get them. Barricade. Barricade. Barricade!!!!! If the enemy gets too close, don't forget about your spartan laser and your needler. Work as a team. Communicate. Don't get in each other's way. Watch your back. Bombers Don't waste grenades. You'll find yourself running out with none to pick up. Check the power-ups often. Attack from all sides. I can't tell you how many times i've stuck someone looking the opposite direction. Your plasma pistol can easily take down deployable covers. It can also drain shields FAST. Have Fun!!!!!!!! Created by ImWithStupid55 I'm the light-blue guy with the scout helmet. Please comment, rate, and feel free to give constructive criticism. Also, if you read this all the way to the end, thanks. EDIT: I forgot to mention, this plays best with 3-8 players. The most I've played it with is 12. It was fine, but it was a little crazy.
Pretty original concept, but are you sure that the bombers can't get into the house? I'll DL this, it looks like a lot of fun. Also, it reminds me a little of Blood Harvest from Left 4 Dead, when you have to go into the house in the final chapter. P.S. The green guy in the second picture looks like he's about to get sniped, lol.
Nice mapp, the hut looks like the only real place anyone would go to, and the rest looks really open. well at least from the pictures it might look that way. I will DL and check, other then it being a bit open, it looks really fun. Good job. 4/5.
As far as I know, the zombies cannot enter the house. The tops of the window panels are blocked off, and Im pretty sure its impossible to enter through the bottom of the window panels so...... =P Also, thanks for the feedback! =D Edit:TripleO8, the humans are LOCKED in the house. They're not supposed to leave it. =P
not very well made but the idea is amazing! Make sure theres no way for the zombie to get in the house and give them less room outside to run around. Plus theres numorous ways to edit the gameplay to make it smoother.Maybe rebuild it next time but a little neater. I give it a 3.8/5 just for the great idea.
Thanks for the feedback Twilight Snipe. You guys can look forward to a V2. I'm not sure when I will make a V2, but you can expect one to come. Also, Twilight Snipe. Could you please tell me what about it isn't forged well? I know the wall on the outside isn't interlocked or anything, but other than that, I thought I did a pretty good job. Edit: I noticed that the map has 5 downloads, but the gametype has none. You can't play the map without the gametype!
Twilight, I don't see anything in the map that looks badly made. If you mean the bridges, you get nothing out of interlocking them, really. Placing the side by side will be just as smooth. Anyways, about the game. I like it. It's pretty original, and I like how it has variety in what you do, like the power drain, having a wide area of effect, but requiring a well aimed grenade to finish people off. I also like you the idea of barricading certain areas, to offer k=more protection. I'll DL this and play a few games, to give it a more thorough look through.
Thanks for the feedback Something. You can obviously tell that I took a lot of time thinking about the different strategies that could be used. I'd also be interested to hear how everyone's games went. (If you've tried it yet.) So either reply on here or PM me about that pl0x. (Btw, I'm always up for a game if you're short on people.) I've recently started work on the V2 of this. In the V2, there probably won't be too many changes gameplay-wise, but I'm making it look a lot cleaner. (Interlocking walls, making it more obvious where the grenades/power-ups are found for the zombies, etc.) Although, my interlocking/geomerging isn't the cleanest. So the walls may turn out looking ugly in a different way. =S EDIT:So far for the V2, I've interlocked all of the outside wall. It looks much better, but it's still not the greatest. Although this is the first time ive incorperated geomerging into a map so... (I had to geomerge the boxes to some of the walls and the crane. Uggh.) And what I'm going to do next is interlock the shelves into the back wall, and (hopefully) by using teleporter writing, I'm going to write "NADES"
FYI, you got the honour of being one of my last custom games before my xbox died. Oh, and everything was awesome except one part of the building is hard to aim a nade to. I'd suggest making a window area where it is, on the second floor.
Wow this looks really fun, especially hiding out as a human. I always scream during these kinds of games, like for example peasant hunt. I always stay in this one corner and scream my ass off as I hear the hammer and my teamates dying. This map looks very fun and for the most part clean but I want to see v2
Well, thanks for the honor Something. Sorry to hear your xbox died. Hope it gets fixed soon. Could you please tell me which window is particularly hard to throw a nade through? I'm guessing either the front one or the one on the right. Also, I'm glad to hear you thought it was awesome. =) Lionsnate, I love those types of games too (ones where you get scared to the point of screaming.) this is one of em. Some of the deaths are quite funny, and its not that horrible to die, because in my opinion being a human is just as fun as a zombie. And again, you can expect a cleaner v2 sometime in the next week or so.
It's not a window that's hard to throw into, it's a lack of a window there. I think there should be a window on the second floor, opposite the row of 8 plasma spawns. That would give a more even coverage of the inside of the house.
I couldve sworn i edited my post when i realised it was an AREA that was hard to throw into. =P But...opposite the row of 8 plasma spawns? Isn't there already a window on the front of the house? Or are you referring to a different spot? Maybe I'm just slow.... =P