Right now you must be thinking "oh great another doge ball map". Well if you were thinking that your wrong. Grenade ball is a FFA sport kinda like basket ball. Your objective is to bounce a grenade off one of the courts shield doors and stick yourself with it. If your successful, this will happen. Ok now hers the scoring. The lower shield is worth 2 points. The upper is 4 points. This door as well as its opposite are worth 3 points. This is the bonus door. If you bounce a nade off one shield, you can then try to have the same nade bounce off the bonus door scoring you one extra point. if it bounces off the bonus door but no other shields, it counts as zero points. Also, when playing with friends. If you bounce a nade off a shield and stick someone else, they lose the amount of points that the nade was worth. Download the map Download the gametype
nice! i think thats kinda waird that you have to kill yourself to score points but i get the idea. no ones ever done this before so i'll give you credit for originality
its really original so i like that, but you have to rely on the honor code if your playing with a freind right?
Yeah good idea. I personally think it could of been a bit better made. Also you spelt grenade wrong. You spelt it gernade, unless you were suppose to spell it like that.
Looks fun, I won't download because I can't see myself playing this as a lot of the ppl on my friends list are rarely on. But yeah, very... er, original to an extent. 4/5
Too bad it's honor rules. Whenever new people join I always have to explain it to them whilst yelling at people cheating. If only there was a way to throw a grenade but it had to hit a shield door to come back. I guess it's a good idea though.
How do u keep track of score though? If a shield door is worth like 2 points and another is worth 3. Do u just like memorize your score? I like the idea though 5/5 for originality.
loooks very origanal but there are honor rules. if i could dnld i would but i can't cause of rol. it does look like lots of fun!
this is really cool, nice job, i like what you did with this, very original, but im just wondering how do u get the score to do that, or do u just count ur points urself? --> nevermind, just read other post good job with the map
i found a way to make it even harder! 2 peeps in da pit and dey have to gernade bounce off de wall and stick the other person!