Hello everybody! I'm Spenser aka Godservant. Been forging since Halo 3, but dropped off a bit in Halo Reach (which is odd now that I think about it considering forge world and how easy it was). Getting back into it in Halo 4. Got some ideas floating around. Hope to test some maps with you guys!
When you can easily be banned by the guy who posts after you I don't think you hardly qualify as 'supreme overlord', sir. Anyway, welcome to Forgehub GodServant. Enjoy your stay and just know who the real overlords are ;]
Hey mate, been forging since Halo 3 too. And also dropped off in Reach. I think my problem was I could never get any half decent tests done so I could never fine tune anything, made a few maps but never to full completion. Anywho, welcome to ForgeHub. It's the best.
Greetings from the planet <insert planet name here>! Welcome to planet ForgeHub, where I will stop acting stupid and pretending that we're from different planets! (makes beeping martian sounds intermittently)
Thanks for the welcome! I think I will trust Organite as supreme overlord for now. His name is some fancy color.
So you can bow to Sky and this guy. Your in good shape given you never got used to the convenient tools in Reach's forge before heading into Halo 4, hahaha. Welcome to Forgehub, enjoy your stay.
Silly, Silent. You're the god of FRL, remember? Welcome to Forge Hub, where the mods secretly delete your posts and think you won't notice.