Introduction Greetings Forgers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Toxicjestervii, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Toxicjestervii

    Toxicjestervii Forerunner

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    Hello fellow block lovers,
    About two weeks ago a friend of mine told me about forgehub and declared that I should check it out due to my proclivity for forging maps. I promptly did, I felt like an idiot for not doing it earlier. So here I am, preparing to dump a backlog of maps on you guys, but not without substantial reworkings for some of the quality issues of my earlier maps; you could say I've taken a sort of triage like approach to it.

    I have created a number of maps, some with very different architecture, some with very similar. I tend to like working with unusual dynamics. Almost all of my maps (Iteration being an exception) have more than three levels or a substantial amount of vertical movement. I usually manage to do this without overpowering jetpacks (which I can't actually use because I play bumper jumper). I rarely create maps with only a level or two that are primarily horizontal to move across.

    In the coming weeks I hope to edit and fix issues on a number of my older maps so I can post them. Currently I have two maps posted:

    Relay Sierra 6-Zulu

    This map is my newest creation. Currently I have a little over a hundred downloads but no comments, which admittedly is a little frustrating. Everyone I have personally shown the map says its very well done and plays great. If you are up to checking it out, I would really appreciate some feedback.

    The second map I have posted is Iteration.

    This is a much older map that I forged six or more months ago and initially titled India. I'm not as concerned about feedback on this map as I am on Relay Sierra 6-Zulu but I'm more than willing to hear what anyone has to say.
  2. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    Whats a forge? o_O
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think its something that blacksmith's use. No idea what this guy's talking about though...

    But in all seriousness welcome to Forgehub! I am your host for this post- xAudienceofone! I am new here as well, my friend. Listen, here is the deal, This place is flooded with maps and the like constantly, my advice to you is make memorable and unique maps. This is what stays with a person after they play on your creations. Also, dont be a stranger- converse with us all and we will help each other to create better and more inventive pieces of art through forging!
  4. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    What Audienceof1 said, and steer clear of that broccollipie guy, hes a real loonatic.
  5. Zenixlio

    Zenixlio Forerunner

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    Yeah. Get to know some people and itll benefit greatly
  6. Toxicjestervii

    Toxicjestervii Forerunner

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    why thank you, and don't worry, I like crazy, I myself am a functioning sociopath. Ever run into that guy daydreaming in the Wal-mart ice cream aisle? yea thats me, I like what glass does to flesh. I also like playing with blocks, hence-forge. yay.

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