Greenhouse: 1v1 map on a small part of Ghost Town Gametypes:FFA, 1v1 Download Map Download Gametype This map is for 1v1 UKG game type or other FFA game types. This map is made in the greenhouse section of Ghost Town (hence the name) and uses forms of cover and extension to floor space to make the area more symmetrical. I have added these weapons to the map and any multiple weapons e.g. Brs have been placed at either end: 4 Assault Rifles (variable due changes being made) 2 Battle Rifles 2 Carbines 2 Spikers 1 Shotgun (with limited ammo and long respawn period) 2 Plasma Rifles 4 Frags 4 Plasma grenades 1 Firebomb grenade (long respawn and hidden) There are a few traps involving water crates and I have made in possible to climb the tree but it is NOT advised. I hope I have a few downloads for my map and some more will appear on Foundry and on the original maps as well. Shotgun spawn with plasma grenades on 1 side and firebomb hidden in the shadow. Overview for one of the corners. A trap is set for any1 climbing the ramp. IF NOT APPEARING GO TO THE LINK UNDER WAYLANDERS POST THAT IS WORKING
Hey mate, you really need to post up some pics for us. Here is a thread that tells you how to do it. It sounds like a mean map mate, can't wait to see the pics.
I have added the url and the Bb code correctly but the images are not appearing. which url are u ment to use, the screenshot forum or gallery
Ah, there's your problem. You can't link images from bnet. You have to upload them to photobucket, imageshack, or a similar hosting site and use their corresponding links.
The pics aren't showing up because you are combining HTML with BB code. Remove the <a href=" bit and it should show up fine.
You don't need to copy the img link, just the 'direct link'. Then when you edit your original post, click on the little yellow picture with the mountain in it right next to the link button. Just paste the direct link in there, and viola: