Ok, I need help. I'm trying to make a map with a green light on it. So far, no luck. I tried merging an invisibility with a custom, but just got white. Any ideas? It has to be a green light the size of a power up.
Lights often reflect colors they are near so the invis-and-custom light might work sort of if merged with a tincup. Otherwise there is really nothing you can do.
I'm trying to make a large stop light (it's for an idea I have). I'm using the overshield for red, custom for yellow, and.. well, now you see my problem.
Just use blue instead of green. Some places actually use blue instead of green, and people will get the point.
Ditto that... see what happens when you merge a light inside a powerup? Or if you merge 4 powerups together.. then merge the blue light inside?
Nope blue light probably wouldnt make white.. would it??? I think he might Active Camo + Custom = White... Cause i remember trying to make green before. It depends if OP is on Sandbox or not to try and get a green.. otherwise teleporters are definately the best shout.