
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Chicken Dippah, May 11, 2008.

  1. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    Created by Chicken Dippah (2nd Map)

    Supplies are running low, can teamwork pull you through?

    Download Greed Map: Here
    Download Greedy Kills Gametype: Here
    Download Greedy Bomb Gametype: Here
    Download Greedy Flag Gametype: Here

    This is a small map focused in the outside road area of ratsnest. I built a small platform area with a chute made out of double boxs in the central area of the map which is accesed easily by the 3 crates on either side of the map. The chute its self is accessed by the crate on the platform, once in the chute you will land on 4 symetrical man cannons shooting you into the sky where you are to move yourself onto the platform to gain a small treat and take refuge in the small camp. On either side of this platform base there is 2 respawns, one for blue team and one for red. Each team in order to win is required to take control of the middle area and push up or defend depending what gametype is being played.

    Weapons placed on the map are:

    #6 SMGs (3 On each side by the Barrier, 30 Seconds Respawn)
    #1 Shotgun (In the container, 60 Seconds Respawn)
    #1 Sniper Rifle (On the roof Camp, 60Seconds Respawn)
    #8 Spike Grenades (4 On each side between the Barriers, 60 Seconds Respawn)
    #1 Gravity Hammer (Aesthetic Only)
    #1 Flamethrower (Aesthetic Only)
    #1 Rocket Launcher (Aesthetic Only)
    #1 Spartan Laser (Aesthetic Only)

    This map is compatible with Team Slayer, Assault and Capture the Flag gametypes all of which can be found at the top and bottom of this post.

    Neutral Bomb Assault (Greedy Bomb): Both teams start with an Assault rifle and 2 Frags and a 1 second spawn shield- The bomb is located in the roof camp with an instant arming time and 15 second fuse, defenders only have 5 seconds to jump up and down defusing it (Literally). Be warned if your the top point scorer you will appear gold making you a big target.

    MultiFlag CTF (Greedy Flag): Both teams start with an Assault rifle and 2 Frags and a 1 second spawn shield - The flags are located in the walls by each team spawn, the flags respawn as soon as their dropped so be as greedy as possible, another thing Flag carries have 75% movement but 110% Shield regeneration so stick with him. First to 5 in 10 minutes. Be warned if your the top point scorer you will appear gold making you a big target.

    Team Slayer (Greedy Kills):Both teams start with an Assault rifle and 2 Frags and a 1 second spawn shield -Get as many points as possible in 10 minutes. Be warned if your the top point scorer you will appear gold making you a big target. Extra points are awarded for:

    2 Points extra for Headshots.
    5 Points extra for Sticks.
    1 Point deducted for suicide.

    Ariel View from red spawn.

    Ariel View from blue spawn.

    Teasing people with a jump?

    Sniper Camp. (Yes its nessicary to lock up the soccer ball)

    Sniper Being attacked by a man from chute! (Afro Emblem Lmao)

    Melee turns the tables on this one.

    Jumping to plant.

    Too late blue team.

    Download Greed Map: Here
    Download Greedy Kills Gametype: Here
    Download Greedy Bomb Gametype: Here
    Download Greedy Flag Gametype: Here
    #1 Chicken Dippah, May 11, 2008
    Last edited: May 23, 2008
  2. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    This map is really awesome-looking, especially because you made a map from the small outdoor section in Rat's Nest. Also, you used good interlocking.
    However, why must the soccerball be inclosed?
  3. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lols well it doesnt really have to be, but im just going to include one in each of my maps as a kind of watermark :), thanks btw it took me a while to get the overall look how i wanted it
  4. Deft1572

    Deft1572 Ancient
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    Looks like a fun 2v2 to 4v4(not sure about the 4v4). I will download for sure.
  5. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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    4v4 would be intense on this,looks like a 2v2 ctf map,nice work! 5/5
  6. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Jeez guys thanks i didnt expect such a positive response yeah i guess 4v4 is a bit strong i only tested it on 2v2 and all my friends had a good time.
  7. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Very nice interlocking and design, especially with the aesthetics. I like the weapons off to the side that you can't get but are very tempting.

    I think you should add some more cover to each team's side to prevent spawn camping (I know about the 1 second invincibility, but that might not be enough and that part of the map looks rather uninteresting). Also, I don't know if it's possible to camp by the shield door with the soccer ball, but that might be a problem especially in 1 v 1.
  8. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Understood completly.

    To start with the shield camping as i tryed to demonstrate in the screenshots that area is such a minute one its really quite silly to get cover in a place where there is no where to run, but yes some people feel it "the done thing" to camp behind shields so in version 2 i will make my floaty ball of doom somewhere else oke?

    I experimented with 2 second invunerability and it just didnt work you can get up to the platform in 2 seconds and then starts to conflict with the games purpose so i stuck it on 1 second. But yes ill add more cover if thats what is needed =]
  9. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice idea. It's always nice to see something
    different. However, I have too disagree with the
    placement of this thread. Competitive maps all
    seem to work with every game type, were there
    seems to be only a few game types that truly work
    on this map. I still like the map. I got it queued,
    but I firmly believe that this belongs in Casual.
  10. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ahhh sorry, 2nd real attempt at a good map my first was kinda bad and deserved casual due to its lack of competetivness ill think ahead next time
  11. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Honestly, the rating was more brutal because
    this thread is in competitive. If it were in casual,
    the rating wold have been a 4/5.

    Both of my maps are in casual. Not just because
    they have infection game types [may I say they don't
    play like it], I just didn't believe that they were good
    enough to go into competitive. Plus, they had more of
    a Mini-Game feel to them.
    #11 Chipsinabox, May 11, 2008
    Last edited: May 11, 2008
  12. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    ahh since im fairly new im not sure how this work but perhaps an administrator could move it to casual for me? that would be nice.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the map looks good but i also looks small i don't think it would fit more then 4 players but everything else looks great
  14. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    wow the aesthetics are amazing .this map is the best rats nest competetive map for sure
  15. desert rat 852

    desert rat 852 Ancient
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    Chicken, this is a VAST improvment over Love Thy Neighbor. It has good interlocking, almost perfect gametypes,and a soccer ball to boot! 4.5/5,only reason its not a perfect 5 is cause it needs more cover,like others have said. Great job!!
  16. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hehe thanks, i know love thy neighbour was... tacky and rushed but i had fun making it so what the hell lols
  17. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    I disagree. Slayer, CTF, and Assault are all competetive gametypes and so this map should definitely be competitive.

    Besides, if it was in Casual, it would ineveitably get buried under the mound of mediocre infection maps, and you really don't want that.

    And how bout you float that soccer ball over the middle of the map for more of an epic feel.
  18. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    This map only supports a few game types.
    Plus, they have to be the game types given.
    Competitive maps support most, if not all
    game types, and can be played with default settings.
    #18 Chipsinabox, May 11, 2008
    Last edited: May 11, 2008
  19. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    Yeah i was thinking that but then i have to balance it central so it doesnt interfere with the Chute ill probably have 1 either side of the court near the spawns
  20. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    hooray for a Rat's Nest map!

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