Greed v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Chicken Dippah, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    Greed v2
    Created by Chicken Dippah

    Download Greed V2: Here

    Many of you may have seen my map that I made on the 23rd of May 08 called Greed, Which had 75 comments and 2040 views. Many of you suggested improvements if I ever refurbished Greed later on - Well here is the refurbished version of the map. Everything I built in this version of the Map is based on user suggestions and what they felt was needed or missing. You may not notice any major structural changes in the map thats because I have kept them to a minimum as no one on forgehub was disappointed with the main structure in the centre, However I have tweaked it so slightly to fit with some new additions needed in the second version. This map is intended for 1v1-3v3. Here is the original description of the map.

    This is a small map focused in the outside road area of rats nest. I built a small platform area with a chute made out of Double boxes in the central area of the map which is accessed easily by the 3 crates on either side of the map. The chute its self is accessed by the crate on the platform, once in the chute you will land on 4 symmetrical man cannons shooting you into the sky where you are to move yourself onto the platform to gain a small treat and take refuge in the small camp. On either side of this platform base there is 2 bases each containing 4 respawn points, one base for blue team and one base for red. Each team in order to win is required to take control of the middle area and push up or defend depending what game type is being played.

    User feedback from Greed V1:

    Only a slight error in my ways not such an error in the map but in the post itself. Fixed

    Acknowledged, I have added two forklifts at each base providing cover on spawn. Fixed

    Acknowledged - Epic feel added. Fixed

    This post got to me the most it was said my map belonged in casual so this time Ive added as many competetive gametypes as
    possible, Added gametype support for Team Oddball, Team Vip. Fixed

    Soccerball is now floating in midair - unless your batman you got no chance. Fixed

    Ive tried to improve aesthetics on a more dramatic level for example I have added even more teaser weapons in the fenced areas next to each spawn is a camp that is inaccessible, Also in the windowed room under the sniper camp is now turned into a Command base which is also inaccessible. To add to this I have rebuilt the bridge of temptation to the side of the map and slanted making it more visible and making it look more aesthetically pleasing. Updated

    Expect in version two all of the street cones to be perfectly placed with each cone facing the same way for ultimate neatness. Updated

    Completely remade the shield doors after looking at the map they were actually biased for defending team however now they are completely even for both teams. Updated

    This was some feedback I received but I cant find the blasted post but the complaint was that the spawn sides were very
    uninteresting and needed to be fixed.
    So I added small computer camps at each base to spice things up a bit and add cover against the walls for extra support and ambushes. Fixed

    Weapon Placement:
    #6 SMGs (3 On each side by the Barrier, 30 Seconds Respawn)
    #1 Shotgun (In the container, 60 Seconds Respawn)
    #1 Sniper Rifle (On the roof Camp, 60 Seconds Respawn)
    #8 Spike Grenades (4 On each side between the Barriers, 60 Seconds Respawn)
    #2 Magnums (Side Part of each base, 45 Seconds Respawn)

    Aesthetic Weapon Placement:
    #7 Gravity Hammer
    #1 Flamethrower
    #2 Rocket Launcher
    #4 Spartan Laser
    #4 Magnum
    #4 Missle Pod
    #1 Sniper Rifle
    #1 SMG
    #1 Shotgun
    #1 Assault Rifle
    #1 Battle Rifle

    This map is compatible with Team Slayer, Assault, Capture the Flag, Team Vip and Team Oddball gametypes all of which can be found at the top and bottom of this post. Alternatively this map plays just as fluent with the standard of these gametypes however the Greedy versions are more appropriate and have features stoping spawn killing and highlighting who the best player in each team is.

    Neutral Bomb Assault (Greedy Bomb): Both teams start with an Assault rifle and 2 Frags and a 1 second spawn shield - The bomb is located in the roof camp with an instant arming time and 15 second fuse, defenders only have 5 seconds to jump up and down defusing it (Literally). Be warned if your the top point scorer you will appear gold making you a big target.

    MultiFlag CTF (Greedy Flag): Both teams start with an Assault rifle and 2 Frags and a 1 second spawn shield - The flags are located in the walls by each team spawn, the flags respawn as soon as their dropped so be as greedy as possible, another thing Flag carries have 75% movement but 110% Shield regeneration so stick with him. First to 5 in 10 minutes. Be warned if your the top point scorer you will appear gold making you a big target.

    Team Vip (Greedy Vip): Both teams start with an Assault rifle and 2 Frags and a 1 second spawn shield and of course a VIP to defend 75% movement but 90% Shield regeneration and a x2 Overshield so stick with him. First to 10 in 15 minutes. Be warned if your the Vip you will appear gold and have a waypoint above your head making you a big target.

    Team Oddball (Greedy Ball): Both teams start with an Assault rifle and 2 Frags and a 1 second spawn shield and of course a Ball needing to be collected, The ball carrier has 75% movement but 110% Shield regeneration and remember he only has melee so try to support him. First to 100 in 10 minutes. Be warned if your the ball carrier you will appear gold and have a waypoint above your head making you a big target.

    Team Slayer (Greedy Kills): Both teams start with an Assault rifle and 2 Frags and a 1 second spawn shield - Get as many points as possible in 10 minutes. Be warned if your the top point scorer you will appear gold making you a big target. Extra points are awarded for:

    2 Points extra for Headshots.
    5 Points extra for Sticks.
    1 Point deducted for suicide.

    Red team overview of map.

    Blue Team overview of map.

    Cinematic Over of map.

    Bridge of temptation?

    Small camp #1 to side of base.

    Small camp #2 to side of base.

    Aesthetic Command centre.

    Sniper camp.

    Ariel view of chute from sniper camp.

    Download Greed V2: Here
    #1 Chicken Dippah, Jun 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2008
  2. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ZOMFG!! Your map is AWSOME!! I loved v1. YAY FOR V2!!
  3. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks sweman i saw you viewing this and knew you would post, thanks every thing lovable about v1 is still their but more aesthetics !! :) could you vote on bungie what you feel of it because for some reason before i even put a description 3 people voted it on 3/5 lol
  4. NuclearNinja142

    NuclearNinja142 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the greedy flag url is wrong plz fix it. That looks the most fun.
    #4 NuclearNinja142, Jun 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2008
  5. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great map will dl like the way it has a lot gametypes
  6. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks my last version only supported 3 gametypes so i thought i would make it with more ;)


    All gametype links are now fully functional
    #6 Chicken Dippah, Jun 9, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2008
  7. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    This gives a new meaning to forging on rats nest. becuase i havent seen any one on any map just use part of the map and not just the whole thing. This could have been built on foundry, but i thank you for not because primarly every map posted is on foundry.
  8. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man, Im trying not to use foundry other maps have a better atmosphere and not a gloomy factory but theres much limited building resources
  9. XxAppleSkaterxX

    XxAppleSkaterxX Ancient
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    this map is amazing =D
  10. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    glad you think so :)
  11. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Looks awesome. Great forging with all of the geometry, merging. One question: How did you go through the room under the sniper base and get back outside?
  12. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    ahh I did this on my own, I first of all got a turret to float against the window then from the top of the tower fell onto the turret then got onto it and went into forgemode which teleported me in, and after i had finished building I simply changed teams to respawn backoutside :)
  13. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks more finished now good job on version 2.
  14. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    weeh thanks man my friends were considering me making another version after this but i really dont want to - im happy as long as people recongnise the hard work put in even if they hate it :)
  15. Surts3y

    Surts3y Ancient
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    wow great gob i will definitly dl. first nice, neatly made, small competitive rats nest map i have seen. exelent job!!!
  16. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    whoa dis map looks awsome ITS SO COOL IT MAKES ME CONFUSED!!!
  17. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Heh glad you think so my friend enjoy :)
  18. KUBLUH the forger

    Senior Member

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  19. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lol add more of a response please
  20. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Awesome, good to see that you took my advice, makes me feel like I accomplished something somehow.

    Anyway, enough with the selfishness, the aesthetics on this map are still spectacular and the gameplay looks improved too, so I'm gonna be safe and say that you're done here.

    And I know you like Rat's Nest, but maybe you want to diversify a bit. Avalanche, maybe? You still get the fresh feel, but with a larger space and some different objects. The only problem with Avalanche is that it's so uneven, I guess we forgers can't have everything though...

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