Honestly who still owns a console from the 90's? I do! I had some of the most fun playing games for these consoles. They were great innovations in their time, and shouldn't be forgotten. Personally I think the Dreamcast was the best one...
Hmmm.... the Dreamcast and the Nintendo 64 are pretty even when it comes to the best. I'd have to say the 64 though, because its Nintendo... 'nuff said.
My family owns a Sega Genesis from a couple months after I was born in 1994, and I have to say that it is probably my favorite game console, definitely my favorite retro console. I've had some great times on some great games like Sonic the Hedgehog, Golden Axe, Ghouls 'n' Ghosts and Steel Empire. I had a lot of terrible games from when I was younger but now I've been buying some really awesome ones. N64 is close 2nd for my favorite, because of games like Resident Evil 2, Golden Eye and Zelda games. They were none arcade games that were awesome and still are.
Though I liked the games for N64, the controls were so terrible I didn't like it (I played it like 2 weeks ago. Mario party 1 ftw) and I prefer GameBoy Color. Pokemon Gold was my fave.
The Sonic Adventure games was "Pure Epic-ness", they were the best selling games for Dreamcast. Its a shame the Dreamcast was so short lived. It only lasted about 2 to 3 years in North America. Continued to 2006 in Japan. I like the controller and that little digital thing you can use as a handheld game that connects to your Dreamcast. Sucked how Sony's Playstation 2 started destroying it in sales. The Dreamcast was definitely ahead of its time... The 90's ****ing rocked!
i thought the dreamcast was ****. as with the other sega consoles. my favorites were probably SNES and GB color, followed by the N64. great times with the mario carts and pokemon. as well as mario 64 and ocarina of time.
With games like Goldeneye, Duke Nukem 64, Doom 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and Super Mario 64, I had to go with the Nintendo 64.
Man, it's sad to see how bad nintendo games have become. N64 games had better graphics and gameplay and overall everything than the wii. I had all the classics like goldeneye, ocarina of time, majoras mask, super mario 64, mario party, the original smash, starfox and the banjo games. I miss them
I owned a few of them but I played the Gameboy Colour the most Pokemon was the best back then xD I am going to tell you a weird little story. When I wanted my gameboy charging (with no batteries in) all I had to do was plug the charger thingy into the Gameboy with the charger plugged into the mains. It was weird. My Gameboy was working with no power going into it.
N64 had great game after great game not to say that the Dreamcast and Ps1 didn't but N64 gets my vote for this.
Wassup with the N64 having 17 damn votes! I mean it was a great system and all, but where's the love for the Dreamcast!? That was a great, and very innovative system! introducing players to the greatness of online play!
Yeah man, Dreamcast was the coolest! Im surprise that no one has voted for the saturn. I had that system when also. Sega was great, sucks how they left the console wars... The 3 games I loved the most for DC was the Resident evil 0, and the 2 Sonic adventure games... God, now i feel like dusting off the old DC and play some Sonic adventures...