*Removed* check these guys out and sorry for this, if you feel the need please go ahead and call me and spammer and other such things if that will make you feel better. thanks : ]
... your going to get get yelled at a lot, I hope you realize this. I can also see that this was not an accident, as you named it as if it was a map. People like you ruin the fine community of ForgeHub. *reported, have a nice day =)
I do believe another infraction is in order. Next step, BANHAMMER. But please stop spamming this site with this. You got my hopes up for a Great New Map.
needz moar interlockz 5/5 dont spam, it makes you a tool, and a general ass. My advise, map a damn map... then when you have friends, suggest the band... as if you actually give a crap about people, rather than this spamming rubbish. I mean, how many people do you think this will attract? "oh hes a spammer and thats bad, but let she what hes spamming about" no, thats not how it works. Not cool.