Ok, i was thinking before about the tournament, and i thought, hey! i have a good idea for the person who wins. They should get a name tag (like the Loyal Memb, and Moderator) that says '1v1 Champion' No privelages, but just something to show off to other players. Another thing, just incase FH hosts more 1v1 tournaments: If you won this tournament, you get the name tag. If FH hosts another 1v1 tournament, the winnner doesnt get the name tag, just the prizes. The winner also gets an oppertunity to play the previous winner, for the Tag. If the new winner wins that match, he gets the prizes and the Tag, if he loses he just gets the Tag. Its just a way to make sure that only 1 person is the 1v1 champ, Loads of websites do it, there is no harm in giving out some trendy name tags, just like when your font changes colour from post count or rank.
The first one, we could have someone photoshop a signature saying that. It would be something pretty cool, like bragging rights. The second one, I don't know what you mean. You confused me on the part.
This is a good idea. Many other forums use it for 'sig of the week' or anything like that. Maybe if someone here is good at graphics they could make a sig for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placing people. 1v1 showdown 1st place etc etc.
If you won this tournament, you get the name tag. If FH hosts another 1v1 tournament, the winnner doesnt get the name tag, just the prizes. The winner also gets an oppertunity to play the previous winner, for the Tag. If the new winner wins that match, he gets the prizes and the Tag, if he loses he just gets the Tag. Its just a way to make sure that only 1 person is the 1v1 champ,
It'd be cool if playing the last champion was a bonus, and you could still win the prizes without getting the tag. If you lose the bonus, you're not the champion. But you still deserve the prizes for getting so far.
This idea was proposed on day 1. I think we're planning on doing something like that for the winner, but I don't remember.
ok Furious, and seen as you like the idea, could you drop a few hints past Shock and the others, or who ever is in charge. I would love to see this idea. Its such a great reward and it doesnt cost them anything.
Actually he never said he liked it. He said it was proposed on day one. Also, as he says it was planned but he forgets now so it might not happen if it hasn't really been talked about. So don't get your hopes up but all the same, I really like the idea
Its similar to there it says your forum rank (left hand side above post count) it can be placed anywhere there. Instead of saying your rank, it could say '1v1 Champion'
i like the idea of being able to challenge the previous champ but losing the prizes i dont really agree with that
I said really clearly that that wouldnt happen. - You win the tourny = you win the tourny prizes - you win the tourny, challenge the prev. champ and beat him = you win the prizes and the 1v1 champ tag. - You win the tourny, challenge the prev. champ and lose = you just get the prizes. That is basicly the only way that only 1 champion tag can be present, while giving the new and previous winners a fair chance to earn what they deserve.