Cod2? Is it a great game, well I hated it, I didn't totally like the campaign and not to talk about the Multiplayer, my sister thought it was fun though. :/
I forgot to mention sports games in my post. They somehow get thousands of people to purchase a game that simply is nothing but repetition. That's only the main part. In the NBA Live series, the ability for a person to score is based on percentages, not actual skill. I don't see how a skill-requiring game in real life could be converted to nothing but luck on what they attempt to make a game-simulator.
CoD4. I Loved the campaign to death but I don't see why everybody got all hyped up over the multiplayer. The graphics were also amazing, the best it gets without Unreal Engine. I just thought that the multiplayer had been done before in Halo and GoW. It was actually pretty much a perfect cross between the two. So if I wanted to play something of that genre I'd much rather stick with stuff I'm already skilled at.
I thought Super Smash Brothers Brawl was waaaaaaaay overrated. It feels like the exact same game as melee, just with a more awkward controller.
I bet your one of those rebellious types. You can use a GC controller? I didn't like brawl though, they made it too easy for kids =/
Halo3. Seriously... that game is sooo overated. The only thing that could make it worse is a map editor. Loljaykay.. I didn't like Lost Planet. At all. The Most fail EVER
I agree with others. Sports games are overrated. Just play the sport if you have friends to play it online with. If you dont then enjoy your game.
Nailed it, i have it, but it feels like theres a little deelay when you play, ive only played like twice. I only like a few wii games, galaxy and supersluggers, and of course zelda was great. Dead rising kinda failed in my opinion, i didnt like halo 2, but loved halo 3
Truthfully, SSBB (Smash Bros. Brawl)failed in my book. Since I was an advanced person in SSBM (Smash Bros. Melee), taking away stuff like wave dashing, L-canceling, instant throw, and whatever else they did to make the game play slow, it made me not like the game for game play. Personally, I play it because of the character selection, I don't play it because my main (Snake) is a piece of **** without L-canceling his jumping attacks which are slow as hell. Also, my friend is really good and he uses pit. Snake vrs. Pit = Me Fail. Also, something about the whole Final Fantasy series I just hate. Maybe it's because of the long boring cut scenes and the stupid turn based attacking. Some characters are pretty stupid too.