The counter system was awesome, you could heal or save your team before they're counter went down. @HL2 people, I never really liked it till I sat down for an extended amount of time and really got into it. It's more of an interactive movie, so you have to play it right kind of. You have to get near npc's and talk with them etc. It was pretty fun imo. TP sucks. I liked Paper Mario and No More Heroes more. GoW is terrible everything is blended into one **** of bleh. CoD4 is console gamer's realization that PC games are better, even though it sucks. Assassins creed is only good if you play at a friends house once in awhile. Halo 3 is generic gaming at it's best. Meh.
Grand Turismo 4, For the amount of praise it got, it was a God awful game, they focused too much on realism, casual gamers had no chance, you have to take corners perfectly and the cars go at a woeful speed. There's no wow factor, you're just creeping your way around the tracks(only 3 rally ones at the start?). Flame tiemz!
Gears of War - It was totally nowhere near as good as the hype, or as good as people rated it. Call of Duty 4 - What? Do i need a reason? GTA 4 - Nowhere near as good as the hype ... fail.
Call of Duty 4. The Single Player was awesome! The multiplayer was so horrible, I was shocked that they were on the same disk! The perk system, while cool, was horribly imbalanced! The weapons were all the exact same! all assault Rifles were the same as were all the SMGs and LMGs. Halo 3. Bungie tried too hard to make the game balanced. The balance system is bad because Spikers=SMGs=Plasma Rifles. BR=Carbine. Sniper=Beam Rifle. Etc. The maps were horrible! Nothing in them was inspired or anything. The only difference in the maps are terrain. Which sucks... I want to see a map that's new and when you play it, you have to have a different play style! The only part I enjoyed about Halo 3 was the Vehicles! And most maps don't have them... Now that I think about it, I no longer play any shooters other then GoW and TF2... I think the shooter genre is going down the drain these days... As sad as it is to say, Gears and TF2 are the best shooters. While Gears has annoying graphics and a Shotgun that might as well be a sniper and a sniper that might as well be a shotgun, some maps had interesting gameplay ideas! Tyro Station, Gardens and Bullet Marsh are the only ones I can think of...
GTA4 - Single Player is too realistic! It should have followed the same path as San Andreas where cheats were more important than 100% the game and you could fly planes and use jetpacks, now instead of that you have to use a car thats slow as ****? RBSV2 - The multi player has no character to it, i loved the customization system but that was it. the SPAS12 was ridiculous, High stakes was pointless, just bad in general. COD3 - Such a letdown for a sequel to COD2. I'm Sure there are others i'll say if there are.
Seems to me you're looking for a recreational game. Do you have a Nintendo system? They have the games you're looking for. But yea, all and all I'm starting to dislike shooters. I play Halo because of Forge. Mercs: it got boring.
I'm actually not looking for thos kind of games! It's just that the quality of competitive games have gone down or the community is dead. TF2 is just fun as the classes are very different and GoW is just fun 'cause the gore is hilarious!
Really? Well okay then, but I have to say the gore IS funny, but it's not so much of an attention grabber anymore.
The gore is funny when you pick the game up again. Obviously it gets boring eventually. What made you think that I was into recreational games?
Games like: Twilight Princess, Mario, FF. They are the only other types of games, besides racing and puzzles, that aren't shooters.
Rock Band and Guitar hero. All of them. My friend told me awhile back he could play some hard song on expert. I told him how cool he was, then I grabbed my real guitar, and played that song, for real. His jaw dropped. Half Life 2 is ****.
Then he proceeded to think "lolz I did this in a week, while he's been doing it for years!" GG some people could care less about learning to do things for entertainment
ugh i hate gta 4! its is so overrated the controls are to complex and not to mention the story line sucks! worst game ever made in my opinion i played it once and that was enough .
I hate Too Human, but it isn't a great game, so I won't criticize that... COD4. It's only slayer, in Halo 3 terms. There isn't a great non-slayer/objective gametype besides slayer games slightly tweaked. Plus, sometimes, you don't have to actually kill. The helicopter can kill you for the other team.
I like a lot of games...I dislike a few... I'm going to have to say Rock Band. The drums are uber ****ing hard, and the guitar and bass are easy as ****. (IF you play on expert)
I don't like Guitar Hero, simply because I find it hard, repetitive, and overpriced, and the controller looks pretty stupid and makes rather loud noises when you hit the buttons. I don't like Final Fantasy either, since I dislike most RPGS, and defnitly JRPGS. It's cutscenes at the start are so horrificly long, especially in number 10, and everyone speaks wierdly and has huge hair which just looks wierd =/ I don't like COD4 that much either, it's campaigns storyline is rather uncreative, and the graphics just look like Gears, but lighter. As well as that, the vast majority of people online are annoying overly-patriotic Americans or ant-Halo extremists. I don't much like Brawl either, I could go on forever, but I won't.
I'm beginning to detest all sports games that come out once a year, FIFA, etc. Only every few years do they do something innovative, and until then it's overpriced and awful. Dead Rising was over-rated too. Sure, it was fun to begin, but then I realised how awful the aiming and damage to weapons thing was.