Great Confrence Created by Xicemike Supported Gametypes: Slayer Map Description This is a Clan or Group Meeting Room. It has 3 rows of seats in the middle. 1 row on each side of the room There is 3 Podiums in front of the room. Usage 1. Clan and Group Meet 2. Part of Your Map with Credit to Me _________________________________________________ Front of Meeting House Inside Meeting House Overview _________________________________________________ Thanks to Faceplanter7774 Download Great Confrence
i dont really get the point of this. its a good meeting room i think, but what are you going to use it for exactly? more description would be nice
well it looks , good but im not one for clan rooms.. but what there for is to discuss things like map ideas and game types as long as other things. So you go in sit down and use the mic' to talk . hope this helps
lol nice idea of a clan meeting room. i never would have thought of that! also the top of it is cool. 4/5 for just a bit sloppiness
its an allright idea, and forge map. but the map itself is pretty useless, talking to clan members, thats what the game lobby is for..... training clan? thats what test maps are for/ arenas. aesthetics? still has no purpose. you shoulda made a puzzle/maze/ arena/ competition map with a trail and a meeting room at end to chill in. that woulda made a good clan level.
This looks pretty good. It's not too easy to make things like this well. I like the seats and the main room. I guess some people could put this to good use. Good job.
Why does everyone like the idea of a un-asthetically pleasing map and totally un-playable? This sucks big weenies.
Woot, I room for my meatings. Yes this map is kind of pointless, but in other ways it isnt. When your sitting in a party doing nothing but talking. Start the game and go to the conference room. Yet set the slayer varient to where you cant kill each other. Nice Map
I downloaded the map and theres a problem with it ... Inside the blocks are floating in the air, what use is that? 3/10.