Grease Players: 4 - 10 Recommended Gametype: Team Slayer Canvas Map: Foundry Link: : Halo 3 File Details Okay, here it is. This is my first attempt at forging a map that is actually playable. While yes, it does lack many features needed to thrive in the forging community, I hope you will have it in you to download Grease, give it a couple of goes with your buds, and tell me what you think. Please comment here, or on the Bungie link, and explain what you think of it. If you dislike it, please tell me, so I can improve, and make some edits. What I wanted to do for my first project, was to create something that would be playable on all levels. CQC, long-range, vehicular combat, you name it. So, here is the end result of a mere 5 hours of forging. You have Shotguns in hallways, Sniping on high platforms, and even the clash between anti-vehicle weapons and the Chopper. I tried to make sure that it all fit nicely, but alas, I haven't tested it with more than 6 players. However, you may find that the only gametype that works well as of now is Team Slayer, as no objective games have been edited for this map. I can ensure to you however that I will soon be making changes to Grease so that you can enjoy it on all levels of gameplay. Bellow is a list of weapons, equipment and vehicles. Weapons Needlers x 2 Rocket Launchers x 2 Fuel Rod Guns x 2 Shotgun x 1 Energy Sword x 1 Carbines x 2 Sniper Rifle x 1 Brute Shot x 1 Machine Gun Turrets x 2 Equipment Flare x 2 Radar Jammer x 2 Custom Powerup (Speed boost) x 1 Vehicles Chopper x 1 Mongoose x2 Map Overview. Isn't it pretty? *Sarcasm* An Elite testing out Turret B. The Fuel Rod gun is great for thwarting Mr. Elite's plans. The Needler tower, overlooking the B Storage Container. The A Mongoose Shed, in all of it's glory. The Blue Hallways. Note that the Gravity Lifts must be destroyed to gain enterance to the other team's base. A view of the main building. The Sniper is on the top, and the Shotgun rests underneath in the Hallways. The Bridge that Connects the A and B sides together. Custom Powerup in the middle for awesome speed boost, and Energy Sword underneath make a diabolical combo. The Chopper spawn garage. While highjacking is a major risk, Splatters are plenty in the narrow hallways. Tips: -Use the Rockets or Fuel Rod Guns to take out the turret on the other teams base, a great way to gain map control. -Use the Chopper cautiously. Make sure that your team has most of the anti-vehicle weapons, and splatter any opponents who go for the Rocket Launchers or Fuel Rod Guns. -Plasma and Spike grenades can take out the Mongooses and Chopper easily. -When weilding the sword, stay near the Sniper Tower. You can easily jump on unsuspecting foes bellow. -When rushing the other team's base via the Blue Hallway, only destroy your side's gravity lift, so you can trap a foe who is trying to escape. -If you are going to grab a Needler, also take a Flare bellow. This way, if an enemy over powers you with a power weapon, you can blind them and spew needles into the light, which will track your opponent. -The Custom Power up and the Sword or Shotgun can be a lethal combo for hunting down your prey. Please do not hesitate to try this out, even if you end up deleting it a few days later. Please comment, as I have said before, and help me make this map, and myself, better. Remember, don't be afraid to get your hands a little dirty... Thank you, Zapzap09
This map was pretty good. I enjoyed the weapon placement, and also how you preserved the original Foundry style. It was fun to play on, although I recommend you stay away from long hallways in your later maps. The hallways on this map were a good size, but longer hallways could encourage camping or mean death for a player out of reach of an exit.
Here goes nothing, haven't commented on a map in a while. Here is my personal advice and opinion of the map. Please do not take offense and remember that it is all based on opinions. Ok so to start it off with, judging by the pictures and data presented by you, I'm already getting a sense of a large number of power weapons. The first problem I've noticed is that not only is there a single chopper. but there are tons of weapons to get rid of it. In all honesty I don't see it lasting to long and it would be fairly avoided, there are two rocket launchers which is enough to literately handle not only the "single" Chopper but perhaps also destroy both turrets, and this is if the Rockets have single clips. Weapons: Spoiler Now with that said, we also have to add the Fuel rods which would further increase the slaughter of teams and would give certain teams an advantage if they manage to control these power weapons. To make the problem even worse we also have the energy sword, and the shotgun which while they might go well against each other they are fairly powerful and once again, if a single team manages to get a hold of both these weapons the other team will be at a disadvantage. In my opinion the turrets are too exposed considering the weapon and terrain layout. There are also the two equipments (Radar Jammer, Flare) which would further cripple the use of the turrets provided. With such staggering opposition against the turret I also don't see them lasting long or being abused or used at all. To continue there are also the mongooses, weak transport units that would get gunned down by the oppressive fire power and are basically useless in such a small map. Vehicles: Spoiler Vehicles: Chopper, Mongoose x 2. The layout of the map, judging by the photos, presents one option for both vehicles. 1. Go Around in circles occasionally running through the middle. The problems with this is, there is little room to turn around on a vehicle the size of a chopper. We must also take into account the anti-vehicle weaponry which would shorten the life expectancy of the chopper to mere seconds because of lack of maneuverability. The mongooses will survive longer but are useless, the tremendous amount of high ground would leave the people on the mongooses completely exposed and just further limit its use. That is all I have to say about vehicle placement and these are my opinions on vehicles. Merging and Skill: Spoiler Now, I'm not going to lie the merging presented in the map was poor, but it had some sign of skill. Here is a nice Ghost Merging technique that you might know about. It would probably help you achieve more than you can imagine if you don't know about it. Several problems I see, is the use of dumpsters and the bridge is just terribly interlocked, there are more methods available to you and I hope that this comment has helped you in some way. Rating: 6/10 Merging and Skill are quite evident but could be improved upon, but the real downturn is weapon and vehicle placement. Also the map does not accommodate vehicles.
Thanks for the review, Radiant. I believe your criticism is much needed. Yes, i do believe that there are quite a few power weapons, and I plan on either deleting some or moving their positions to make it seem as if there were far less. As for the vehicles, well, let's just say that I didn't succeed at that aspect. For my next project I wish to be able to give enough space for the vehicles to roam around in, and maybe the Chopper might not be the best choice for a map like this. Very little handling might make me want to reconsider my options of switching the Chopper with a Ghost, but really, Grease was just a test. You're right, not much geomerging or ghost-merging was used, but that was only because this was mainly my starter. In the future, I'll try and take asthetics into the equation a bit more, and take your advice. Thanks a whole bunch.
Hey, no problem. Normally they're much lengthier but I did not have the chance to download and play the map, also I had much more written down but Mozilla crashed and ruin my morale. If you want a lengthier review comment back. Also you can send me a message anytime to review any of your other maps. And I will most likely give them a full review. This is approximately half of what I normally write.