Gravity Lift Techniques

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TrueDarkFusion, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Forging 101: Gravity Lift Techniques

    [ame=""]YouTube- ForgeHub Video Tutorial #7: Gravity Lift Techniques[/ame]

    As some of you already know gravity lifts can be manipulated in interesting ways. One of these techniques for placing grav lifts on their side is to place a weapon holder on the map. Next rotate the grav lift into the position you want it and float it above the weapon holder and release. If done correctly the grav lift should be floating in the position you placed it on top of the weapon holder. This method can often be used to block off areas of the map you wish to be inaccessible to players, but be sure to remember to but the grav lifts on instant respawn if you wish them to be a permanent wall.

    Another method that can used with grav lifts is one that causes them to be placed midair. To do this you must place or float a teleporter node to where you want the grav lift to be. Once this is done you may place the grav lift on top of the node. Unfortunately you cannot delete the node otherwise the grav lift would fall. You can use this method to levitate grav lifts into positions that would normally be hard to reach or use them as a sort of "sky ladder."
  2. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Random question: if one gravity lift is facing sideways, and it thrusts you into another sideways facing grav lift that is facing the same direction, do you gain momentum, or does it take a while for the second one to kick in?

    It would look like this:


    With the ">" being the lifts and the "---" being the trail. What I'm asking if this...usually, when you step on a grav lift, there's that moment where it's reversing gravity or whatever, and then it lifts you. If it's flinging you horizontally, does it still take the moment, or will you immediately gain speed? If you quickly accelerate, it would be interesting to build a map that has certain passages in which walls are hovering in the air. Using grav lifts, you are propelled down the "hallway" until it eventually floats you to another room on the map.
  3. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    It increases in speed.. it is slightly difficult to do, cuz if you don't set the distance right you either have one grav lift being pushed by the other or you place it to far and you have already lost your momentum before you make it.
  4. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I'd like to add something useful about grav lifts. There is a small radius beside and below the grav lift that is under the influence of the lift. By that I mean things can get sucked into the grav lift from beside it or even below it.

    Try putting a grav lift somewhere that has a thin floor (or a Foundry wall turned horizontally). Then put a weapon or equipment under the grav lift, and it will get sucked up toward the lift. It will hover there like it is magnetized to the ceiling. But make sure you set the weapon to not start at the beginning of the round. When the round starts, there is a brief period (about 1 second) before the grav lift starts firing. The weapon will fall to the ground before the grav lift can grab it.

    Also, try putting a grav lift on a ledge that you can't quite jump to. When you get close, it will grab you and lift you the rest of the way up. The Pit has several ledges that are just too high to jump to, but a grav lift right at the edge will pull you up there.
  5. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    The weapon thing is really cool, but...uses? I mean, can you actually get it to do anything? I mean, if you could get a weapon to actually stay against the ceiling...that'd be amazing. Any possiblity?
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I've used this in my Hover Base map on Construct. You could only reach the weapons by grabbing the grav lift equipment. It was kind of cool, because everyone knew you were going for the rockets and had a second or two to shoot you while you lined up your jump.

    Other than that, it might have other uses but that's where the creativity of the community comes in.
  7. Pwnzocalypse

    Pwnzocalypse Ancient
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    This is an interesting gravity lift / item idea that I came up with one night, it is an elavator that goes up and down an its own, instead of stairs, place an elavator to lead you to a high place. This is a rather interesting thing and ive been waiting a while to release it. Sadly i am stupid and have no idea how to post pictures, I will explain: it uses an open container running along a track of walls with two stacked crates sitting inside of the container while two gravity lifts on top pull the crates up and the container (the lift) into the air, (Note: the container must be running along a track of walls to go where you want it to with a roof on top.) when the lift reaches its destination stopped by a horizontal wall it will sit there for ten seconds (or how ever long the respawn time is) the crates will dissappear making it so the two gravity lifts on top have nothing to suck up to the roof so it falls back down to ground level, sit for ten more seconds and go up again. I hope you can figure out what ive explained so far, if you have any questions or a further explanation message me.
  8. oI Conflict Io

    oI Conflict Io Ancient
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    thanks for the tips the gravity lift is iextremely versatile and very useful if u know what ur doin
  9. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man Ancient
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    Interesting I didn't know you gained momentum with grav-lifts. Most interesting....
  10. GodsofW4R

    GodsofW4R Ancient
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  11. F4K13D0UBL3P3G

    F4K13D0UBL3P3G Ancient
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    the elevator idea is interesting. i might have to try that, thanks.
  12. Darkleathal12

    Darkleathal12 Ancient
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    I've tried the grav lift force field thing. I noticed that if thier beams (jets) cross they just blow each other off the weapon holders. I can't make a secure field without the beam crossing. Please help!

  13. F4K13D0UBL3P3G

    F4K13D0UBL3P3G Ancient
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    make them blowing towards the player not towards each other. that should work.
  14. Big Red Dog

    Big Red Dog Ancient
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    for some reson the grav lifts never point the way i want them to, any tips
  15. xX Pyro42 Xx

    xX Pyro42 Xx Ancient
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    I've never gotten the turning and release trick to work. To compensate, I spawn a holder in an open area, wait for it to settle, then place a lift. Note which way the holder is facing when the lift has settled. Then, go to where you want your grav wall, rotate the holders to where you need them, float the lifts, and...viola.

    You may need to move the holders slightly. To do this, just delete the lifts, make your adjustments, wait for the settle, and place the lift.

    Good luck.
  16. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    Ahhh.. so thats how they do it...
  17. brobran

    brobran Ancient
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    Thank you SO MUCH!!! ive been trying to float lifts for so long!! i tried it using the floating object way... and it would always flip over, i never new weapon holders were so handy :)
  18. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Actually, weapon holders are not that great for grav lifts. Use Teleporter nodes instead. They have a relatively flat surface on which to balance your lift onto.

    --dumb cat
  19. sparten45

    sparten45 Ancient
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    This is great for lots of things for example in the cidetal
  20. Abdoozer

    Abdoozer Ancient
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    Now I have tried to put two gravity lifts a couple of yards away from each at a 45 degree angle, both facing inwards by using the weapon holder technique.

    I have not successfully been able to suspend something in between them.

    Does anybody have any advice on how to make it work?

    It looks kind of like this:

    / \
    / \
    / \
    / \
    ^ ^

    With the "^" being the gravity lift,
    the "/" and "\" being the "rays" of the lift,
    and the "0" being the suspended item (i.e. a weapon or powerup).

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