Gravity Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chronmeister, Oct 5, 2013.

  1. Chronmeister

    Chronmeister Blockhead
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I just saw Gravity and WOW! This is the best movie I have seen in a long time. Even with all the great reviews and revealing previews, I was still shocked and surprised throughout the entire movie. The movie does so much that hasn't been done before in film and in my opinion deserves Best Picture. The story is simple, but the journey is amazing and the special effects are like nothing I have ever seen before. This movie really makes you feel like you are in the astronauts shoes. I love movies that really give you that intimate look into the character's mind and let you experience the world from their perspective. With all the spinning and first person shots, it is amazing this movie didn't make anyone sick to their stomachs. I think it is bc these scenes are so intense and personal, it makes you feel like you are fighting along side them to maintain your own sense of balance.
    There is obviously a lot of hidden symbolism and the story seems very familiar to me somehow. It almost feels like the movie is running parrallell to something else that we all have seen already. It just feels like a natural masterpiece. This movie will be talked about for a long time and I hope you all get the chance to see it. I don't think a movie like this should be put off until home release. There was one scene in particular toward the middle of the movie that literally gave me chills and made my jaw drop for like a minute. This probably wouldn't have been the same experience at home.
    Check it out and let's discuss. Look for any hidden meanings and let me know what you find. So far the only obvious one I saw was when she was in the fetal position in the window of the Russian space station and she looked like she was sleeping in the womb. I'm sure there are a ton of other things in the movie, they are just probobly harder to spot.

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