GRAVITATION Creator: Xx Pr0 F0rge xX Gametypes: Racetracks, Battle Tracks Download Gravitation DESCRIPTION Gravitation is my third Sandbox racetrack. It includes a hill, a jump, and several smooth turns. Two of the turns were designed with speed in mind, and a new racer will have a difficult time conquering them. The jump is as smooth as it can be, after many hours of testing and experimenting with angles. The turn back to the start was made to throw off racers that are completely not paying attention to their driving, whilst providing smoothness for those who are. The rugged, reverse banked area there will cause many deaths in times to come. Working well with Battle Snipes, the track starts out at the bottom of a hill, climbs its way to the top, turns, dips down into a U-turn bank, and back up for the jump. Many different angles and techniques were tried here, and this version is the best amongst them. After the jump is the shield-door assisted turn, and then the newb-eating final turn. PICTURES Start: Hill: Straightaway: Turn, Dip, and U-bank: Jump: Sheild-door assisted turn: "The N00B Eater" Finish line and final turn: YOUTUBE VIDEO -_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_- If you missed the DL link above, here it is again: Download Gravitation
yaaaay another non noob map! lol This map looks pretty good and the jumps looks fun and the banks too but the only thing is it looks like another figure 8 lol. I'll try it out and give it a better review =)