
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by G-Bag, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. Viggie Penndar

    Viggie Penndar Ancient
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    Hehe, sorry about the welcoming commitee G-Bag...

    This map looks awseome just from the pics! I'm going to check out the video and give it a DL. Awesome job!
  2. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    wow... i was reading all the comments and i actually feel compelled to DL... for two reasons, one, the map and idea are really great. I dnt usually play KoTH but this is really interesting and all, and two, so many people were spamming u on ridiculous things, yes i agree, the posting rules need to be inforced to ensure a good forum, but people were totally spamming u for stupid reasons, either way, im DLing
  3. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    lol funny stuff

    anyway, thanks for all the positive comments guys, don't forget to come back after you play a few rounds to let me know how it went :)

    remember, the more people, the better. :squirrel_giggle:

    I've noticed more people downloading the map than the gametypes...

    this is curious because not only is it mentioned here, and in the video, that you need the specific gametypes to play it, but also in my fileshare in the description of the map itself it sais it... lol

    be sure you get the gametype.. it will suck majorly if you don't.. you just can't play it on team slayer and have it work, ya know?

    and can someone who played it comment when you get a chance please?
    #23 G-Bag, Mar 29, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2008
  4. coleStamey

    coleStamey Ancient
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    I also know what you mean, people find more enjoyment in critiquing Formats, Layouts, and Spelling rather than using this forum for what its meant for. But back to the map, Great idea, had some good fun with it. Nice job.
  5. coleStamey

    coleStamey Ancient
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    hahahaha. Yes you are right, Red sucks and so does Billy.
  6. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    thanks :)

    lol wrong thread. And I don't think Billy sucks, but ya, I get really irritated when people insist on using colored text on a forum to post every post... it's rude to everyone who reads the forum imo, and the author isn't the one who reads it, so just bc they feel special by using it is no justification.
  7. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    Forge Hub was a mature community until you showed up and started spouting off about the rules that every other member here (except coleStamey) has learned to deal with (and WITHOUT the kicking and screaming, mind you.)

    You're still not scoring ANY points.

    You know why we critique that stuff? Because in the REAL world, you need to worry about formats, layouts, and spelling to get anywhere. If you pick up an application form for a new career, and ignore all the neatly aligned lines and boxes for you to write in your information, and just splash chicken scratch all over the page, and then for your resume attach a napkin from a Shell station that says in Sharpie, "I'm good at what I do," do you think you'll get that job? No.

    As G Bag just stated, we're trying to be a mature community by making things look formal. As an FH member recently said, FH is trying to separate itself from the bull crap you find slapped all over BNet's walls.
  8. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    Kindly keep that garbage out of my thread.


    If you cannot stay on topic just don't post, it's pretty sad how immature everyone seems to be around here, learn to handle yourself like an adult. Thanks. I'm sure you have something you are just dying to say in response to this, but just save it. I don't care what you think or have to say unless it is on topic.

    I really don't. And I'm pretty sure no one else does either.
  9. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    Yeah, and everyone on FH just totally wanted to come here to watch you rant and rave about why you think the rules are stupid and pointless. You also ranted and raved because someone referenced you as stupid because you couldn't read the rules, which quite frankly is stupid.

    As for the maturity factor, I am handling myself like an adult. You're the one pissing and moaning about "Why other FH members aren't 'mature.'" Face it, if you can't read the rules, you can't yell at people who shout at you because you failed to read them yourself.
  10. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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  11. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    That's cool. I can still say it.
  12. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    Wth? Get a life.

    On topic, downloading- looks amazing.
  13. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    Yes, G Bag, on topic your map looks interesting. I'll get it queued up and I'm booting up the box now. But I still stand by my previously stated point.

    Okay, how the hell do I get to your File Share? Typing in II 4FACE II on BNet returns no results, you're obviously not on my friends list, and you don't have a link. Anyway to dl this? At all?
  14. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    Hmmm II 4FACE II is right, and it works for me.. and others have DLed it from the information provided, so I don't really know.

    If it still doesn't work wait until April 15th when I can properly link my files.

    And thanks a lot guys, hope you enjoy it. :)
  15. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I'd like to take a moment to kindly remind everyone not to flame or double post. It is the internet, but that doesn't give us permission to act like savages.

    As for the map, it looks really interesting. I wish there was a link to download it.
  16. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    This isn't really something new, its been done many a time before...
  17. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    Ok, not everyone may get this since we're on the new site, but I figured out how to get to G Bag's file share. Use This Link. II 4FACE II wouldn't come up in BNet search because I guess that isn't his BNet name also. So I went to my own file share and just changed the variables in the address to match GBag's.
    So yeah, that link works to dl his stuff.
  18. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    care to show me where? I'd like to see it if it has been done.

    thanks alot dr. if you need anything from me use that.. until april 15th, then i will properly link all of my stuff.

    thanks for voting me a 1 star... appreciate that..

    anyone who has actually played the map and not just being an a-hole want to rate me?
    #38 G-Bag, Apr 3, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2008
  19. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Boy, you sure haven't been given a very warm welcome, have you? Sorry about that; it seems that most of the flaming has been coming from newer members, and hopefully they'll get their act together someday.

    BTW-the youtube link still works, but the screenshots are broke. You don't need the size restrictions in the BBCode anymore; it's automatically sized for you.

    Now, on to the map. Looks very interesting, and a nice break from the normal intense battles that so many of us love to delve into. I'll give it a DL and check it out.
    And welcome to Forge Hub, sir. It really is nice here.
  20. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    thanks a lot bro. appreciate that.

    and i'll fix those links, hadn't noticed since my stuff was on the last page for so long lol

    I'd still like to see the one that other guy was talking about.. saying it has been done before. I've never seen it done..

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