This Covenant facility has been overrun by the Flood. The Gravemind is looking for a way to secure its survival... Gravemind is a small symmetrical map that is located in an unknown Covenant facility. Supports 2 to 8 players. 2v2 is recommended, but 4v4 works as well. I’m sure someone has already used the name Gravemind at some point in forging, but nothing so far in Reach (at least that I could find). Four teleports keep different areas of the map very accessible which helps prevent camping in higher spots. There are some framerate issues around the “vents” on the lower level. I may have to remove them since they’re only for aesthetics. Weapons: Needle Rifle x 2 Needler x 2 Plasma Repeater x 2 Plasma Pistol x 2 Fuel Rod Gun x 1 Energy Sword x 1 Shotgun x 1 AR x 2 Concussion Rifle x 2 Spiker x 2 Frags x 4 Plasma Grenades x 8 Health Pack x 2 Overview Some screenshots... Check out my other stuff sometime...
Looks insane man, I really like your forging style. I also like how you incorporate colors into your maps, I think that gives a map much more creativity, while also making the map more eye-pleasing. Only one thing I would think abuot changing is the positioning of the lights, maybe try putting them inside the roof of the map, so that way they aren't as much of an eye-sore. That's just my opinion though. Oh and is there any framerate lag? Overall, this map has great aesthetics and the layout looks great. Keep these types of maps coming.
I like how the map actually looks like a facility and not just a collection of forge parts. The layout looks balanced and interesting to move through. Great choice of lighting. I usually like to use a DMR, but your exclusion of them could make for a different (in a good way) play experience than people are accustomed to.
Very original idea and a very good idea...the aesthetics are also very nice...however you dont have a description of the map just a lot of pictures...if you could please explai nthe map...maybe tell me what the weapons are that are on the map... edit: you did post the weapons but I couldnt see them becasue they are in white text and the background for me is white...
Yeah, I thought I'd leave out the DMR just to see what difference it made. I was also trying to avoid human weapons. I had to put the shotty in to counter the sword. I threw a couple of ARs and some frags too. But the rest of the weapon set is all covey, which isn't exactly my favorite but I thought I'd think outside my usual box.
Very aesthetic and pleasing, in my opinion. There is just one thing that I would change: It seems that the parts that are supposed to be flood related just kind of look like they are practically just appearing out of the ground. If you do have any more rocks, I'd suggest to make it seem so that entire area the flooded part is formed is infected. I've made a couple flood-based maps myself, and it is extremely difficult to make an entire infected area when you've run out of rocks to forge. The gameplay seems pretty evened out, and the weapons are also spread through the map and not in some pile, which many people do. I like the teleporters, as they don't take you too far away from the original one, but they don't bring you too close like right next to the original teleporter. I love the purple glow you've got going on around the map, as it does feel like an actual level from the campaign in one of the old Halo games. Great job! 9/10
Thanks. Yeah, Flood infested maps are hard to make look natural (if that's the right word). I wanted it to look like it was busting through the ceiling on one side. I wish they had images you could place on forge pieces like cracks and corrosion, stuff like that. Alas, we are stuck with what we're given.
Hey nice to see your still at it, I loved your warlock remake, at the time I got them to list it on the official remakes list along with mine, they are both still on the list too :-D, i'll be giving this a DL for sure, keep at it
Wow, great looking map man. The creativity is unbelievable, and it looks very well forged. I love the idea of the covenant facility. You did a great job creating a very intricate map. The air vent i an awesome touch to this map. Great job on the thread and making the pictures better to look at. Overall great job, and i look forward to playing with you.
Looks like a solid map. I can't really grasp what the map is designed like, but it looks similar to Citadel. The Gravemind is really cool too. Although, you should have tried and put an orange filter, to give it that 'flood' appearance.
from looking at it it is very small but fine for team slayer, there is lag on the vents and personally i don't prefer teleporters on competitive maps but other than that its fine
Yeah, I mentioned the lag in the description. There isn't much going on around the vents anyways so I don't feel it takes away from gameplay. It distorts your view when looking through it across the bottom room, but that is kind of what the vents do even if there was no lag. I chose to use the teleporters the same way Cold Storage did. That was a small map but the teleporters opened up different gameplay that wouldn't be there without it. Their purpose really is to prevent camping on the top level. Thanks for the comments.
How did you get that overhead cutaway shot for the map? I have to do minimalist maps by hand in Photoshop.