Gravel Pit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by L30n, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. L30n

    L30n Ancient
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    Gravel Pit
    Created By: L30n

    Supported Gametypes
    CP_Gravel Pit

    Download Map


    Gravel Pit is based off the Team Fortress 2 map: Gravel Pit. It is a one-sided Territories map with 3 territories. The Defending team must defend the points for 7 minutes, while the attackers must obviously take them.

    Defenders have a 45 second head start to prepare for the attackers where they can choose which weapons and equipment to get and who should get them while in their respawn room. To win, the attackers must first capture points 1 and 2 before they can capture the last point (honor rule).

    Each Point has its own distinct area:

    Point 1: is mostly open with little cover, making it easy for snipers to soften up targets before their allies get closer


    Point 2: is a little more compacted, making close combat more viable, but still has long range capabilities.


    Point 3: Is very claustrophobic, making sniping improbable and close combat very deadly.


    Each area is different from each other, making fighting different in each area.

    Player Properties

    Players have a 300% damage resistance and normal shields. Their starting weapons are a shotgun and a SMG, with a Fuel Rod Cannon, Needler, Brute Shot, Sniper Rifle, a Plasma Cannon, and Plasma Pistol to pick up in their respawn room and a Regenerator, Bubbleshield, Grav lift (attackers only), and Power Drainer to choose from for equipment.


    Around the map are Custom Power ups that give the player for 30 sec.:

    • Good Camo
    • 10% damage resistance
    • 0% damage modifier
    • 125% speed modifier
    This makes the player almost completely invisible, but extremely weak as well, making the only viable method of attack assassination. They're usefull if an enemy is preoccupied and are facing the same way.


    • If you pick up the regenerator, its a good idea to try and stick with someone with the Plasma Cannon. If things get crazy, lay the Regenerator at the other players feet, making him all most invulnerable while in the Regenerators radius, giving him easy kills against a group of enemies.
    • While on the attacking side, use a Grav Lift to get on top of terr. 2 with a Fuel Rod Gun or Brute Shot to rain down explosives to the defenders inside. you can also use it to reach terr. 3 faster if you know where to place it.
    • The Sniper Rifle isn't necessarily a instant kill in this game, but a long range support weapon to help soften enemies from afar while your team closes in.
    • While defending remember that(unless your enemy are being bastards) if you loose one of your forward points, the enemy will have to get the other before getting the last one. If you think one is about to be lost, head over to your other one and beef up the defenses there.
    • While on the offense, try to regroup after a unseccessful push. regroup and make another push. the enemy is lower on ammo, and have expended their equipment. regroup and use that to your advantage by using your equipment. to get an edge without fear of them doing the same.
    • while cloaked using the custom powerup, remember that your are extremely weak and anything you try to do to damage others will just grab attention. track your prey and assassinate them and then move on if there are other enemies in the area that might become aware of your presence.
    Well, I hope you guys enjoy my map.
  2. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    looks to be interesting, I just don't like the fact that each base has an armory, I just don't think they work to well with play maps
  3. Bearcatdude

    Bearcatdude Ancient
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    i would hav to agree with him. you should weapons all about the map not the just the start,
  4. Brain Hacker

    Brain Hacker Ancient
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    looks good kinda looks like the ogrianal in TF2 like every1 said no armory use scattered weapons and i didnt see any cover in between teritorries but correct me if i'm wrong so yah defantly make a V.2
  5. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    umm...I don't like the armoury because that seems to make this only for CTF and then you posted this in the wrong section. If it's for CTF post it in casual. Looks pretty fun if you made that adjustment. The interlocking is nice as well.
  6. L30n

    L30n Ancient
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    thanks for the feed back. lol, seems a lot of you don't like the armory. might put other weapons around the map when i make a V2, such as ammo and a flamethrower, but not going to get rid of the armory. the defending team has a 45 second head start to set up their defense, and if the other team doesn't have anything but the default to start with they'll be at a disadvantage. I also ask that you try it out and see how it feels. I want the main focus of the game to be grabing or defending the territories, not worrying about getting a weapon to do so.

    I'm sorry Silent if this is in the wrong section. got the impression that this is the place for objective game types and casual is for more mess around FFA slayer and infection. also, its no CTF, its territories. :p but yes, its a map made with a single gametype in mind.
    #6 L30n, Jul 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  7. Dunkeldragon15

    Dunkeldragon15 Ancient
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    Looks interesting and a great sense of forging skill. You have a great idea going on here and you foring skill makes it better. 4.7/5 I dont really see that many flaws in it but the armory does seem like it wouldnt be that great for this.
  8. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    the map looks great but the way you start with an armory just doesnt work
  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    The idea is pretty orignal and you don't see much maps with the same structure, but it looks like garbage... Sorry to take it out like this, but this looks like you just built it while you thought it out.
  10. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    im kinda diggin the armory thing, but it could use much less power items, and im not sure how gameplay will be, it looks almost unrelated.
  11. flaming omelet

    flaming omelet Ancient
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    I really like the looks of this map and think it would be really fun. I personally think the aromory is ok as long as the weapons don't respawn. It's kind of like you have have to pick your role on the team. Heavy artillery, support w/ the sniper, attack with your trusty brutty, etc...
    In stead of the armories you could just spread the weapons around each teams base. It would be a good idea to spread some weapons around the map so you don't run out of ammo in the middle of the game and lose. I love the idea of the camo. Gives you the feeling of being a spy :) I also love how you can use the gravlift to get around and use the regen to help your turret guy. idk about anyone else but i almost think 45 sec is too long for the defenders to setup; or maybe i just feel bad for the attackers );

    Some suggestions for a v2 (which i strongly suggest you make a v2)
    -Do something with the armories.
    -Make more territories.

    Just what i think of your map :)
  12. L30n

    L30n Ancient
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    i think people are a bit confused with the armory... its not really an armory, rather a weapon selection/class area. for instance, you can be a Heavy(turret) where you can go around killing with your big gun, or a sniper to give long range support as most weapons are close range or explosives. or become somewhat of a medic by placing a regenerator when teammates are hurt or a bubble shield down. once you leave the respawn room you can't go back in. im not centralizing each teams weapons, but giving them a choice of which load out to fight with. though now that i think about it i should have put infinite ammo on. didn't have the cash left over to put extra guns on the map for ammo.

    this is also a remake of sorts of a map found in Team Fortress 2, so i've tried to put some gameplay elements from that game in the forge. don't want you all to think its an original idea, just a copy from one of my favorite games into another favorite. that being said i hope you guys try it out for your selves. you can't judge the map/game just by looking at pictures ya know :p
  13. Albino Dave

    Albino Dave Ancient
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    I love Team Fortress 2!!!! I recreated a one sided 2Fort (I guess you'd call it 1Fort), and the first round of Dust Bowl.

    Anyway because that was getting off topic, this is a really good recreation of Gravel Pit, as much as that one is my least favorite of all of the maps (that one acheivment on this map...).

    The armory makes sense from a Team Fortress 2 point of view because that's where you always spawn and restock on supplies. So if you're going for accuracy of Team Fortress 2, then I support the armory. That's what I had for my Dust Bowl. So yeah, good map.

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