Gravedigger Created by Frigoc1 [br] Supported Gametypes: Infection [br] Map Description Gravedigger is an innovative new map that is used with my infection gametype at the bottom of this thread. I wanted to kind of make it like Bart's Manor at first, but then I decided not to. I interlocked some of the objects, and it's my first time doing so. [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Front of Base [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] Human spawn [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] Thanks to all the people who download this map, and I hope you Enjoy! Please don't forget to leave feedback. [br] Download Gravedigger Here Download Zombies Gametype Here [br]
There's only 2 screen shots? I think that you should post more dude. I would say more but I can't see the map, so I can't. =(
wow i thought this was some weird topic about Grave, lol from the topic. anywayyyy. while i probobly wont be downloading (im not much into traditional zombies, or most house maps), the screenshots do look pretty decent. however, from the pictures i could see problems from the one apparent entrence and with spots where you can just shoot down and the zombies cant shoot back, i could see it being unbalanced...of course i havent played it. the pictures looks asthetically pleasing, tho more screenshots and screens of actual gameplay would be nice.
LoL me too. I figured it was someone flaming or something... I agree he needs action shots but i don't really think it looks unfair. For example, a zombie could easily kill anyone on the turret if they got close enough.