Grave is an Alpha zombie map inspired by Dead Space, by Visceral games This map takes place on a drifting planet cracker, the USG Dauntless. REPAIR LOG 12.8.2382-1400 -Inspections have begun, we are seeing signs of damage to the duct system, like some sort of infestation, signs of unidentifiable residue found on the floor of the bridge. I'll have to call a cleaning crew. 13.8.2382-1400 -More damage to the infrastructure has been located, scratch marks along the sides of conduits as well as outright ruptures exposing areas to space, hazmat teams have been dispatched and the areas have been sealed off. 14.8.2382-1400 -service crew is getting disheveled, power has yet to be restored, and members are complaining of pounding noises coming from the walls, will check into unauthorized repairs. 15.8.2382-1400 -some members of the crew are getting jittery, citing sudden movement around the corner and hissing noises. said crew have been dealt with accordingly and hissing noises have been inspected, possible breaches. 16.8.2382-1400 -clean up crew complains of constant residue that seems to be reappearing after clean up, further analysis reveals the compound to be organic, I should keep this from the rest of the crew, we don't need any more scares here. 16.8.2382-2300 -Crew members have disappeared, so far only 2 have deserted, no signs of emergency pod discharge. We have made the decision to start arming the repair crew 17.8.2382-600 -"something" attacked our patrol in the upper deck, not sure what, but the smell, oh god, the smell. Consensus has been reached, and we will be departing tomorrow, preferably returning with a military escort. <missing report> <missing report> <missing report> 21.8.2382-200 -our shuttle has been destroyed, efforts have been made to seal off the area but they still come. emergency beacon has been sent, no casualties. <missing report> 23.8.2382-2100 -The ducts, they are using the ducts! we are currently on full retreat, heading for the cargo bay, hopefully we can pick up supplies there... <missing report> <missing report> 26.8.2382-100 -We are here at the cargo bay, and restocked, unfortunately a system malfunction has sealed us into the area. work on cutting our way out is underway <missing report> <missing report> <missing report> <missing report> <missing report> <missing report>......<authorities have been notified> . .. ... .... <Connection restored...transmission pending> <ERROR: No Time Stamp> "Welcome to the Dauntless, Welcome to your Grave" <ERROR: Transmission cut> <Technicians have been notified> Human Spawn Loading bay Alpha Zombie spawn and shuttle bay Front desk and secondary human spawn Research Bay Lower Research Bay Upper refinery deck lower refinery
This looks boss from the pictures man. Plus, you've got a backstory which is always good. I'm a host from BIOC and right now I'm looking for maps to add to the database. If the testing goes OK, your map will be added. Good work.
looks good. reminds me of alien or any of the aliens movies because of the deteail, darkness and color. it also has a type of space ship atmosphere. ill cosider downloading this one for sure..
While the map looks good, here's my only complaint. I don't like when infection threads start with logs, transmissions, etc. It's a little thing that bugs me. Just felt like putting some sort of criticism.