Story: The Gods have perished but their enemies have not, you need to defend their burial ground to the death from the undead enemies. Overview 1 Overview 2 Anti spawnkill Front of burial Ground Entrance to underground grave tunnels second floor of the main building First Floor Major God Burial Normal God Burial Weapon list 6x Assault Rifle 8x Battle Rifle 4x Shotgun 3x Sniper 10x SMG 6x Spiker 2x Brute shot 6x Magnum 4x Mauler 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Flame thrower (p.s. all of the weapons are on never respawn so grab your weapons quick and stick together!) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^^Game Variant^^ : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ^^Map Variant^^
Just so you know, saying something like that sets people up with a bad impression of your map However, by the looks of the screens, this looks like an interesting map. It is nicely interlocked, however it is a bit messy in bits of the map. I like the interior, and the structure in overview 2
Looks like a nice ingection map. I like the never respawn part too. The flamethrower sounds too powerfull but you evened it out. 4/5.
It looks like a cool map, but I think that 4 Shotguns might be overdoing it a bit. Also the 10 SMGs sounds like a lot. So is 3 Snipers. I suggest cutting down to 2 shotties, like 4-6 SMGs, and 2 snipers if you are going to have never respawn. Also, I'm not sure you need the flamethrower. Nice design though. 4/5
this map pretty sloppy ive seen a couple much neater and less cheap versions nice effort you could stand next to the grav lift and camp with a shotgun which is esentialy spawn campig cuz its at the zombie spawn use floating teleporter noades to hold up those pallets
This map looks to have tons of potential, but you made it sloppy. If you made a v2, this could definitally get A LOT of downloads. There really is nothing wrong with it besides that.
you did interlock which is good but it is sort of sloppy i like the lay out but a cleaner v2 would be better 3.5/5
I don't think it is sloppy i also like the burial and idea behind the map. I don't really like the tunnels i think tunnels are just annoying so. But that's just my opion.
This looks really thrown together in many areas. There is an over-abundance of power weapons, and unless you have set the gravity so it is at 150% or higher, a grenade jump could bypass you anti-spawn-kill system (but thats not that big of a deal). The layout of the map is pretty good, however, gameplay looks good, and the flow is very nice. Basically, the idea is solid, but the implementation is not. V2 could improve on all of these things and make this map a must-download, but for now it needs work. 2/5.
Its sloppy, but you really shouldnt care about that on infection maps. It looks pretty cool with lots of secret passeges. Ill give it a DL!
ive been saying this to a lot of people: flame thrower is a hella cheap weapon in infection. but you do have limited amo i beleive so thats good i like how it actually kinda looks like a grave yard