My Graphic Image *Cue Sitcom Applause* [img width=800 height=600][/img] It is very basic I like this photo mostly for the photography. Now I just have to resize it.
IMO, photoshop is the #1 graphic imaging programme. They offer 30 day trials on thier website, try it out?
Can I haz PS 6? My brother is an artist and really needs it because he is going to an Art Institute and wants to try out PS really bad, and I want it for photo imaging so people can think I am the **** and Rule so hard.
What do you mean can you have it? I can't give it to you... lol. Just get different trals until you have money to buy it...
That's definatley not legal... lol. Just use GIMPshop. It is gimp, but it looks like photoshop (one window, etc.)
:O I is goin to g3t the polees on u guyz, that stuf is ileagle. lol, I actually acquired mine through *ahem* other means also.
I didn't do it... I don't know where my brother got it from.... :squirrel_shiftyeyes: Aren't we not allowed to talk about illegal stuff here?
Yea i know what your talking about, and errrrrrrr yea yea i didnt do it iether, i swear. Are we allowed to talk about it?
Well fark you guys, cus i have not acquired Photoshop at all in ANY means... I R just jelous [sadface][/sadface]
i use Photoshop CS3, luckily my school provides me with a macbook loaded with a whole bunch of expensive softwear, i then move it to mine, but u can get keygens from, im not gonna say. PM me about it and ill tell ya
I have Photoshop CS3 Extended, I sure do love Torrents. (if it is against the rules to talk about torrents, i'm sorry)
the government is on it like a hobo on a ham sandwich and are watching every torrent, i did torrents 3 years ago when they werent as big
I don't know how this post got revived, I posted it in the wrong section too, when I was newer to the site. I am so embarrased that I did this since now I am constantly getting irritated when people do this. You may want to look in the Graphics and Arts section of the Off Topic Boards, you will probably find more help there.