Sandbox Granite Basin

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gunnergrunt, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Granite Basin
    "Built for CTF. Compatible with all gametypes. 3v3 recommended. 2-8 players"

    Inspired by Avalanche and Wishbone, Granite Basin is a CTF-lover's fantasy. More specifically, it's a symmetrical, U-shaped valley with multiple routes from base to base. Now, you may be picturing some of your favorite U-shaped CTF maps at this point. But I can assure you that this isn't your average CTF map. Granite Basin features a variety of unique slopes and angles. The geometry of this map gives it character and special atmosphere not found in other Sandbox maps. Most importantly, Granite Basin offers fresh and exciting gameplay. Furthermore, it's compatible with all gametypes, but I recommend CTF, KOTH, and Slayer. Read on, friend.

    4 Battle Rifles------------------------30 sec.
    2 Sniper Rifles (1 spare clip)--------120 sec.
    1 Rocket Launcher (0 spare clips)--150 sec.
    2 Plasma Rifles-----------------------30 sec.
    2 Needlers----------------------------60 sec.
    4 SMG's-------------------------------30 sec.
    2 Turrets------------------------------180 sec.
    4 Plasma Grenades-------------------30 sec.
    6 Frag Grenages----------------------30 sec.
    2 Maulers-----------------------------45 sec.
    1 Overshield--------------------------120 sec.
    1 Bubbleshield------------------------120 sec.

    As previously mentioned, the gameplay found on Granite Basin is probably different than what you are used to. The main reason for than difference would be the map's geometry. Because there are many unusual angles, players may have to slightly adjust their play style. This means nothing more than throwing grenades at different angles and using your right thumbstick more. But worry not, after a few mintues, you'll feel right at home.
    Now that you have that in mind, let us take a quick tour through the map as it relates to gameplay. First off, are the bases. They may seem simple and exposed at first glance, but don't let them fool you. When standing at the rear of the base, you are protected by the front of the base. Why is this? The front of the base is raised to block off lines of sight and, more importantly, excessive enemy fire.
    If we move on to the outter walkways of the map (between sniper tower and the base), you will find a BR and Needler. These outter ledges provide a defensive advantage when combating the enemies below. They offer an ample amount of cover as well as quick acess to key areas of the map.
    It is a simple jump from the outter walkway to the sniper tower. And that is most likely the way each match will begin. As each team starts facing the sniper tower, you will probably head straight for it. If this happens, you will then grab the sniper, turn to the opposing sniper tower and let loose on the enemy team as they scramble to do the same.For the team mates that choose to bypass the sniper altogether, they will probably jump onto the turret or make a quick dash for the rockets.
    Rocket, you say? Yes, the rockets are located on the top middle structure of the map (yes, that's creative). You will find them rested snuggly in the cradle of an obilesk bridge. When you pick them up, you may want to check your surroundings before you scurring away. From the rocket bridge, you will have a clear view into bottom middle. But remember, they will probably be carrying a bubbleshield. In that case, you should check the open slits into the top passageways. You may catch an unlucky enemy sneaking your way. Rockets are a powerful asset of the map, but remember, you only get two shots.
    Back on ground level, things aren't quite as safe. I mean sure, you might feel pretty tough with mauler in hand, but bottom middle can be seen from many areas of the map, so move quickly. Now, there is an overshield in the bottom bottom middle. You will find it safely nestled in its own little cave. But, if you chose to get the overshield, there's only one way out, and it's through the most dangerous are of the map. So, good luck.
    Well those are the basics of Granite Basin gameplay. If it sounds appealing, keep on scrollin'! If not, you can leave.


    Blue Side Overview

    Overview of Purple Side

    Central Overview

    Blue Side Overview

    Overview from above

    Overview from middle

    Blue Team starting area

    Red Team starting area

    Bottom Middle

    Overshield spawn below. The ledges above the overshield are similar to the shield doors of Wishbone. They are one way drops into the middle.


    Red Base

    Outter walkway

    Inside Bottom Middle

    These opening of the left will take you into bottom middle. The one of the right will take you to top middle.

    Blue Base

    Purple side floor

    Inside the top of the central structure

    Sniper Tower

    Need...HD...capture card....

    YouTube - Granite Basin

    Special Thanks to:
    Titmar- For his inspiring forging style.
    Penguin Assassin- For finding two breaking points during the first testing session of the map.
    Ell3ment- For suggesting that I add a back wall along the shield door walkway so people could bank grenades from above. He also suggested that I relocate the rocket launcher, but the final position was best.
    Eyeless Sid- For suggesting that I add a small ledge along the back wall of the shield door platform so people wouldn’t have to jump down or across the get across the gap.

    All my testers!

    #1 Gunnergrunt, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2009
  2. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    More Pictures















    #2 Gunnergrunt, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  3. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Action Shots!




    Sotha Sil defends the base his own way.

    Flag Beatdown

    Turret Coverage

    Will he make it?

    Battle for the Oddball


    Map geometry

    ...and again, but better.

    More geometry

    The "terrain-like" geometry of Granite Basin

    This is a fairly accurate display of the turret coverage

    Think you know Granite Basin inside and out? Played enough matches to write a full-length review? If so, head on over to the Map Database and add another review to Granite Basin! Here is an outstanding review of the map by MickRaider:

    And here's another great review by

    3v3 Multiflag
    YouTube - Granite Basin Multiflag
    #3 Gunnergrunt, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2009
  4. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Played this the other day, and i wish you would have looked at what Mastar did to it.
    You have too many power weapons for such a small map.
    The forging is good, but look for help with weapons and weapon placement.
  5. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    This map is a testament to GunnerGrunt's skill. All his other work is simply a buildup to this amazing map.

    I can't wait for xbox live to be back up so I can download this masterpiece.

    Don't judge this map before you play it people. The skill and craft in this map can only be truly appreciated while playing it.
    #5 Vincent Torre, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  6. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    wow.... this looks amazing... the geometry is superb and this is the first map i've seen on sandbox with an interesting floor that is angled and multi leveled.... this will make it feel more like a real map with different grenade angles and lines of sight like you said... can't wait to see it tomorrow when the update thingy is done!
  7. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    Playing this map was legit when I was in your party. I'm not very sure what Y35 is referring to; it seems that the snipers could have had 1 less clip, but for the most part they were balanced due to the sloping nature of the map and difficulty of scoping. It seems like it would be great for Flag Rally as well, seeing as it's set up for that. Sight lines were great and the map had a great balance of jump ups and slanted surfaces. A lot of the floor parts I just like to think about how you did without creating a jagged surface, and they're terrific. Looking down towards camo is almost like an optical illusion. Great job with this map, a good mix between gameplay and aesthetics.
    #7 Silver0range, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  8. NinKeith

    NinKeith Ancient
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    Wow I'm pretty impressed with this map, as with all your other ones. I like the little slide jumps you have in there too. Now It's just a matter of waiting for XBL to get back on.

    Edit: Now that you got the vid up I was able to see a better overview, it looks like a smaller version of avalanche.
    #8 NinKeith, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  9. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Straying away from Conquest I see, glad you're trying new things. This actually looks like a very well put together map and I still don't quite get the "awkward angles" aspect you were talking about. You also said this is a CTF-lovers' paradise, is it One Flag or Multi? I'll download this and play it tomorrow or whenever X-Box Live is up again. And you said you need some help embedding Youtube Video? Simply post the URL and it'll embed it for you.

    I'll come back if I remember to comment on the gameplay, which I'm assuming is just as awesome as how the map looks.
  10. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    for a video you do this [media]LINK[/media]

    you can't make the [media} things different colors. they have to be plain

    that's how you do it.
  11. WhyHelloThere

    WhyHelloThere Ancient
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    Wow.. That was unexpected. This looks like it would have taken you forever to forge. The forging seems to be perfect.

    Even though the map looks beautiful, weapons can make or break the map. If everyone on your team has a power weapon and the other team has none then they are pretty much screwed. I think that you should take away at least one sniper or the turrets. But then again, one good headshot from a sniper can take out the turret guy. Also, there shouldn't be 2 maulers or 6 frags or 4 stickies. But I haven't played this map so I don't know how well it plays even with all these weapons.
  12. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    by chance am I the re ninja in the first action shot?...anyways on to the map...

    gameplay:the first aspect of your creation Im going to cover is the gameplay. A forger like you is already held up to very high standerds,and like your other maps,you clearly surpassed them. your multiple paths provide very nice CTF,as you were aiming for,and the clever idea to add turrent seeing each other leads to some interesting firefights.

    aesthetics: your previos map,gold rush,was very beautiful,and this is equally so. your floor not only leads to smooth transactions from box to box,but is very nicely interlocked. your little touches like the bridge with a shield door gap is very creative and is what makes this map standout.

    origanality: obviosly a u-shaped CTF map has been done,but 4 routes is plenty more than usual.

    there is plenty more to cover,but I think Ill stop there,since it's clear to see this map is above the par level you've set for yourself.

  13. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    Finally, you posted this, Gunner. I remember testing this map a while back, maybe 2 weeks. The architecture and style of this map is very... 'Natural'. What I mean by that is it feels not like on a big square floor, but in wilderness, more of a dried-out lake shape, seeing that your name fits this. And congrats - you made a map that's not conquest! Lol just joking with you you have a couple others, but this is the first on sandbox that's not a remake but your own original idea. I do like the layout, the risk vs. reward in the Os ledges, sniper ledges and rocket area, and weapons are plentiful.

    It was hard for me to get used to the layout, not just the actual layout, but the floor's bumps and crevices. It felt uneven to me, which in this case, is probably a good thing, but some areas have weird angled blocks in the floor. I had to run through it a couple times to get my playing better. Don't change this but, be wary about things like that, don't overdo it in your V2 if you do change the floor plan, or your layout can get screwy.

    I thought when I first saw this that it was HUGE. Well, I stand corrected. This is a fairly tiny map, I suggest 3v3 at most! I looked around and said, "Whoa, did the map just shrink, or did I just grow?" CTF played better than I expected, I enjoyed it, but beatdowns were everywhere, you'd just see and enemy in a hall, chuck a 'nade, and :punch: He’s dead. Now this isn't bad, but the weapon choice sort of contests this. You've included 2 snipers and a rocket launcher, which isn't to empowering, but I think that the map has too short lines of sight for such weapons. I can guess that the bases are about 6-8 blocks apart, which isn't all that much. But the turrret got on my nerves, only some maps can handle one, and sorry to say yours failed. i suggest takig them out or making it easier to kill them, maybe fusion coils right next to them? One BR shot and BOOM! Dead. Br'ing and maulering around the map is what I like most with weapons here. I swear I'd had to have killed myself with the rockets 8 times (during some customs games a while back). That's my stupidity though, that doesn't always happen. They're fine which what you've accomplished in this map, but that's how I feel.

    Overall, this map is very fun. It feel is like Avalanche and The Pit stirred together, sprinkled with awesome gameplay elements and topped with epic win sauce. Yum, you've got yourself a recipe for Granite Basin, a whole lot of win, excitement, and top-notch playability. 4.9/5 or a 98/100. I have little issues with the map, but I really do like this map a lot. Already downloaded and have tested for playability. Very nice job.

    Holy waffles on a stick this was a long post!

    #13 PRS, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  14. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Everybody must understand why you took such a long time to post this, correct Gunnergrunt? It's because he was perfecting the map. If you spend a long time testing a map, you won't have to release a new version to the map every single day like most maps I know. In my eyes, Granite Basin was perfect the first time I saw it. But who am I to judge? I love all of Gunnergrunt's maps! Although I didn't find the extra two posts full of pictures necessary, I guess that's just because I have played the map before. I could list out the pros and cons of the map, but I wouldn't be able to come up with any cons. I could grade the map on gameplay, aesthetics, and originality, but the map's score would always come up perfect. Although a frequently used layout. You added that magic tough to the map that reminded me of Avalanche and Wish Bone. The unique cut-offs into the cave-like terrain in the middle reminded me of Avalanche, along with the much longer route around the middle. The middle section also reminded me of Wish Bone, because you could exit the cave, and it would dump out into the middle. But the other team could not access the other cave system because it was to high up. I love how the two alternate routes dump out into the middle! However much I tried to go all ninja on you guys during that King of the Hill match, it did not work. The map is unbreakable, at least it was when I tested it.

    Gunnergrunt, I don't know how you do it! But you managed to break away from your usual Conquest maps and give us something beautiful in the sky bubble!
  15. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    I saw "like wishbone" above a pic, and I thought instant fail. jk lol
    I like the map, it played well but not one of my favs from you. It's probably just me, but I didn't even notice the lower openings until 2/3 the way through a game xD It also required a bit too much jumping for me...
    Great map, but the fact sandbox is colored all the same made it confusing to me haha.
    My only real suggestion: Take them turrets away. They seem and (kinda were) pointless.
  16. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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    Nice map. I watched hours of forging go into it. I've played many a games on it as well. Granite Basin plays well with every variant, except team Oddball. I especially liked the slopes and odd "rock" formations.

    Overall this is one 'mazing map.
    #16 doomgrunt, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  17. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    The turrets only have a small range of coverage so they aren't too powerful. I took ell3ment's suggestion and added a wall on the outside of the turrent platform so anyone could toss grenades in there. I've tested this map many, many times and the turrets have never been overpowering. They are on a 180 respawn so you don't see them very often. They are quite easy to kill as well. As for being "pointless," I can't really agree because they are used every single game. They play an important role in balancing out that sheild door area.

    As for too many power weapons on the map: You will just have to play it first. Its a difficult map to judge from the pictures lol. I can see where you guys are coming from with 2 snipers and a rocket launcher on a small map. (They both have reduced ammo and long respawns by the way.) But, like I said, I have tested this map a LOT. I put more time into testing it than forging it. And after all the testing, this is the best weapon-set for this map. Every area of the map is well balanced and the weapons keep everything well-circulated. Sniping, like someone mentioned, is difficult on the map. The rocket launcher usually only get one out of its two shots so it isn't a problem either. I guess you will just have to play it for yourself, because it is definitely something different!
    #17 Gunnergrunt, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  18. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    I have played this map; actually in a test with you, which is ironic you don't remember. Thanks for advice on how to deal with the turret, I'll see if it make sthe difference. Very true sniping is hard though.
  19. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Don't worry, Dylan, I remember testing with you! I just needed to clear up the turret issue for everyone else. I appreciate the review by the way! If only everyone else took the time to do that... But I understand that XBL is offline today (hehe part of my plan!), so most of these comments will be from my testers (thanks guys!).
    #19 Gunnergrunt, Jun 16, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  20. TheEpicCiabatta

    TheEpicCiabatta Ancient
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    I would say an exception should be made in this case. Map looks excellently crafted, and is definitely getting que'ed for DL. Despite earlier questionings on power weapons, I'm going to trust that the map has been tested enough for the large number of power weapons to be a non issue. Excellent job.

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