Hello fellow forgehubers, after about a month and a half of development and work I bring you my map Grand Spectrum. Countless hours and and loads of interlocking and geomeging went into this map. Not to mention some play testing. The maps first half or restaurant is loosely based off the resutrant map from Timesplitters. The second half is bascily a mix of many other map ideas I scraped and then put together. I personally think that the map is great, but I know that it really matters how people like it. So now you must be think well after all that can I get a some pics well not just yet you get a nice weapons list. 2x Battlerifle 1x carbine 1x Rocketlauncher 60 respawn 1x Sword 60 respawn 1x needler (my favorite gun) 4x plasma 6x frag Ok now you can has pics Rocket spawn and most of b section Rest of b Sword Spawn(with me on the barrels) Front of the restruant from sword spawn. Looking in resturant's eating area from front Shot from inside Other half of the restaurant Left outside half of restaurant Same area different angle shot of the back Bridge battle Rocket away The maps creator me. Now I will address questions you may have, like what are those tower things. They are magical towers that look cool, and were used to summon the rocket launcher. What are those fuelrod cannon things? Decorations that look nice. Now the most important part the map download link. Map Edit: How forgetful of me the best game is FFA or Team Slayer
The map does not seem like the competitive type because it is sort of looks like an infection. I won't say that it is not 100% competitive but I don't think it is competitive.
i like the bridge triangle thing with the double boxes, very cool looks like its well made i like what you did with it 4/5
looks like a good map supa. nice interlocking but those A+B signs should be interlocked into the wall
You can play slayer and free for all but it supports everything else, They act as barriers to prevent people from escaping the map, so they need to be at that spot to make it impossible to jump up.
Nice map. I'm wondering, what is the receiver node for? I like the SMOOTH gameplay for the map. 4/5 This would be a good 3v3 map with a BR start. BTW I a REALLY BAD with needlers.