Grand Hyatt Hotel

Discussion in 'Map Discussion' started by BaconMedia, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    It wasn't a threat. I was showing that we care for people who have their content stolen so we understand why you felt how you did. I think you've completely over judged the situation. All we want is to make sure people aren't getting upset with copied or stolen designs :)
  2. BaconMedia

    BaconMedia Video Team
    Staff Member Forge Critic

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    > "you come across as hostile"

    > makes a comment claiming stolen content

    > "Ill have you know my content has been featured on many channels"

    > Making prefabs public in the first place

    > no reee

    Listen good. If your going to make such a comment on here in the first place and call someone out, you better have a prepared argument. To start, I could give a lesser about how much of your content has been featured. Thats not good for your argument, nor humble in the least, so stow that away pronto. Second, we just got finished with another dirt bag that had just stolen content from myself, as noted in the video above. We don't take that lightly. So to then call us out and accuse me of the same deal ironically, makes no sense at all.

    All other things aside, many others, including myself DO NOT make prefabs PUBLICLY. For the exact reason you're arguing right now. Pre fabs are the most stolen content of all, and harder to track. You will not get your fame easily through them because most people are too lazy to ask for consent,or give credit to such a small thing. Finally, and again, many people have found the use for sandbags as furniture, you're not the only one to pioneer it. I applaud you on your effort to contribute towards the community with such skill and an eye for detail, but recognition in this community does not come easy.

    Now that you have posted your content browser on here, I do in fact recognize your work as what had originally inspired me to pursue using sandbags for furniture. Ive seen a few friends use your work, so if you insist, I can vouch for its popularity first hand. However I will not under any circumstances use another prefab. Ill re make my own from scratch just so I can be honest about my work. My reputation matters to me.
    ZombieDyer likes this.
  3. tomtehtom

    tomtehtom Legendary

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    If you read back I never said you copied them, I commented on how they were very similar and made it clear that if they weren't used directly they may have been inspired. If you check my first post I was clearly just asking if I had anything to do with the idea just so I know, as I stated before it's hard to know who is benefiting if I don't go around asking. That was the reason I rightly stated the response was hostile, y'all need to chill, I honestly don't care about stealing whatever, the situation on stealing is already awful, I just thought I'd be respectful and simply ask, clearly that was too much. Anyway I'm done with this, clearly you all have very loaded opinions and that's fine. I'll repeat what I said before, I won't bother using the forums anymore. Cya

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