Ok graffiti is sometimes made by gangs who messed up the walls. But is it bad to write in Graffiti? discuss Opinion:Graffiti is not bad its art its where hip hop culture was born. is it bad or good?
Graffiti itself isn't bad, what is bad it is when it is vandelizing property. In my own opinion I think it is also bad when it is promoting gangs which do illegal things (vandelizing or not). I think that the people behind creating the graffiti are artists they are very talented and should use their talent on more productive things, not vandelizing and costing people money to remove it. I know of many businesses in my area that actually pay people to write graffiti on their walls (bigs bucks can be made doing this). So i don't really see a reason for them to do it illegaly. I guess they think it's cool, but there is nothing cool about costing people money. Hopefully me saying this can get this debate in motion.
Well of course its bad its messing up your community, why would you think its good? it makes no sense. There sould be serious fines for this kind of stuf it vandalism
How is it messing up the community in which Graffiti is present, please be more specific and give examples instead of saying "im rite and ur wrong".
Most graffiti is hideous, but sometimes graffiti is actually guite attractive. Of course Nobody wants a gang label on their property, But some graffiti has been done and not been gang affiliated. I say it depends on what kind of graffiti it is. If it's tagging, paint over that crap and report vandalism to the police. If its a work of art and not gang affiliated, Keep it! Some people have even had graffiti preserved for them. And yes some graffiti artists aren't gang-bangers. Some are just artists who want to be anonymis. Some people are even hired by others to do graffiti on their own property. Yet, if you're an artist and can make money doing graffiti legally, why the hell are you doing it illegally and risking being fined for vandalism? On another note, Will people please remember to disable your signature in the debates forum?
Its messing up the community because it makes it look like crap. How would you like people running around spray painting you house? It makes no sense. Plus I am not saying the I am right your wrong thing Im simply stating my opinion, accept it
Hey! I said stop leaving your signature on! Come on! It's not that hard! Dont make me start neg repping! Because this would be a bad reason for me to neg-rep you! Sorry that I'm off topic here.
Is that why you left your own sig on smart ass also think of all the money used to clean up all the vandalism.
I think what was being stated was that graffitti isn't a bad thing if presented properly. Use it as an art not a threat. Promoting drugs and gangs or spraying on property where not intended this is what is considered vandalizing. Now in places set where graffitti is intended (private shops, etc.) it is an accepted thing, and in some cases pleasant. Both sides have valid arguments though I'm not quite sure where this is going, but I guess it could be left at it is A; good, as well as B; bad depending upon the time and place. ***Edit - Apologies for the sig, only caught that now :/
I've actually seen it as an art, and a city near me actually allows decorative graffiti if it is not on private property or including a gang symbol. I've seen some really cool art on walls.
Graffiti as an art is incredible! When you do it on private property, no matter how beautiful it is, it is bad. It is vandalism and should be punished. If you really want to paint get canvases. There is one graffiti artist who uses old trains that are in junkyards.
I don't believe any sane person would approve of graffiti on any property. It is straight up vandalism which I hope to see put to an end in the future.
No, I don't think its good, most times. Using someone elses property, in a way detrimental to the property, or that forces them to expel effort &/or money to return to "status quo" is bad. If you have their permission, or you do it in chalk, or you leave enough money to make up for that which they will lose; and its message is decent, I have no problems with it.
graffiti--good or bad? graffiti....many people think its a bad thing. many others enjoy the use of being able to spray paint the side of a building. as for the question bad or good. well its just a matter of opinion. graffiti is art, it can take skill and time to perfect. it can be a sign of ritual, religion. tattoos--that is a form of graffiti, though we do not call it graffiti. graffiti is vandalism. as soon as you take a bottle of spray paint and spray the side of a building it is considered vandalism. that is a bad thing and i do not care for that, but as for gangs, well just cause you can spray paint your name on a house or building doesn't mean you are part of a gang. i've seen many people not part of gangs spray graffiti on walls. i've also seen it done on paper too. in fact even i sometimes do tag graffiti on pieces of paper. whats so bad about that? it helps to become and artist. its practice. as for painting it on a wall, no i do not approve, but does it provoke gangs, or is it only gangs that do it? that sir in my opinion is no. many people can do this and it doesn't make them a gang member. to answer the question, graffiti is not good nor is is bad. or it can be both. its art but its vandalism
angry graf is there to make you think, if that means painting on your precious billboard, sidewalk, wall, so be it. also, i'd much prefer to see a well done urban graf piece along the train to the city, unless youre a fan of grey cement blocks, i can't see who wouldn't. that said, wankers who just write their shitty little tag with sharpies everywhere are pathetic, so are the dip sticks who just scribble smiley faces and gang names with spray paint -- go to hell. banksy -- great example of angry graf, great artist. grafitti is an artform repeat after me; i am free
Please turn off signitures Sorry to drift off the topic but as it has already been stated please turn off your signitures. Even if you have already posted there is the magic button "Edit" then you press the magic button "Go Advanced" then you click the "Use Signiture" button and make sure there is no checkmark. The no signiture rule is a debate rule so please follow it (I know you can miss it, I have too, so that is why I am going back to my old posts). Debates are not the place to advertise maps (and some signitures tend to be pretty big) As for the debate it seems that most of the people are just saying the same thing over and over again. I wish for someone to bring up a new point (don't look at me yet i'll think about it).
I think graffiti is a bad thing when it comes to gangs but as a form of art it's very cool and creative to make.