It's not finished, but i felt I should share it still. I'm going for a GOG vs. Locust theme, but need a few suggestions and C&C. I need some feedbvack since this will be my desktop.
The render is REALLY BLURRY. Use a different render or take what ever distorting effects you have on the current one off, and maybe if you want a challenge make half of the render Marcus and the other half could be a Locust.
Use this page if you'ld like some locust renders. Not much else to say except that Marcus is extremely blurry. Try sharpening him a little. I'll come back when and if you update with a V2.
yeah the render is way too blurry. and the brushes... i think everyone has them. in fact i think i know what brush set they are from- something to do with winter brushes. but its not like your gonna be showing everyone so people wont critisize you on that. oh but do try to break the repetitiveness by adding effects on the brushes or using different brushes