GOW 2, COD 5, Fallout 3, or Fable 2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by marlonr., Nov 9, 2008.

  1. marlonr.

    marlonr. Ancient
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    What do you think?
  2. Sheogorath

    Sheogorath Ancient
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    each game is great in its own form. comparing gow2 to fallout 3 is like comparing a comic book to a fantasy novel there both great books but there great in completely different prospects. (excluding cod5 which is just cod4 2.0)
  3. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    How about an extra job to buy them all?

    JK, but don't get COD5, since it's multiplayer is similar to COD4.
  4. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Hey, I you know COD 5 is already out in the US?

    It's called COD 4...

    In my opinion, don't waste your time with COD 5. COD 4 was fun, but then I got bored with it. Now, I can't ever go back to play that game, I get bored within minutes, and since COD 5 is soo much like it, I hardly touched the Beta Demo I got. You could rent it I guess for campaign.

    I own and love Fable 2. Now, this might sound bad, but it is one of the few games I just sit down and play nonstop. I can play it for a day, but then I go play another game, but if I get bored with that, I go back to Fable 2. In the long run, Fable has much replay in that sense. Sure, the main story is short, but there is soo much more to do in the world than just that. I went very slowly through the main story, but I still managed to kinda rush it.

    Fallout 3 I have not yet played, but I am sure it is amazing. I am assuming you are asking for xbox 360 games though, so I would have to say, if you are going to get Fallout, get it for PC. Then you can mod the **** out of the game, like people do Oblivion.

    I am in love with GOW 2. I only played the first game once (well, once before then but that doesn't count for reasons), but I like the second alot more. I am totally noob at this game, but I feel like it caters better to newer players than the first did. Sure, all the godlike figures from the first game are pissed they can't own as much in the second, but give it time and I am sure the good players will really start to show. In addition, campaign is great. "Bigger, better, and more badass," it is totally epic, and just the right length for a shooter game campaign. I can foresee this game providing entertainment for months, hell longer, to come.

    I would say GOW 2, but really, it comes down to what you enjoy.
  5. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Gow2 without a doubt. Online multiplayer is the best out of anygame, campaign in epic. Oh and horde mode is absolutely insane. Gears2 is one of the best overall games I've ever played.
  6. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    GoW 2.
    But CoD is not that much like CoD4. Sure, a modder with a lot of time could replicate it on the computer version, but it's still different and fun.
    But nothing beats GoW2.
  7. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    COD5 Wont be out for another year or so.
    COD: WaW is coming out on Tuesday i assume thats what your talking about.
    And i got Fable, boring without multiplayer, and GOW i never liked, cant jump, boring colors, blah.
  8. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Actually, they announced a while back that they're stopping with numbers so you're wrong when you say that CoD 5 won't be out next year. It's out tommorow, or the day after tommorow as the case may be.

    And they fixed the boring colors. Tey really listened to the complaints and thought them over in Gears 2.

    OT: Gears 2, Fallout 3, Fable 2, CoD 5 in that order.
  9. Skill Caster

    Skill Caster Ancient
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    It kind of sucks; so many Fall releases...so little money in my bank account.

    Anyways, first off, Fable 2. I was really into this game during its development, but now, I don't think I'll be getting it. From what I've heard and read, Fable II is a bit short and repetitive. While I love the new implemented gameplay concepts and the RPG genre in general, it just doesn't feel worth the sixty dollars to me. Haven't really looked into Fallout 3, but it seems pretty interesting. Just isn't my type of game. COD doesn't have anything to have you streaking around town about... However, when I logged on today, GoW2 was what every single one of my friends was playing, so I'd check it out. It seems pretty popular.
  10. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
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    He is pointing out that it is really not a new game. And I like COD5 alot more than COD4.
  11. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    If I recall, I went out and bought the disk. That's not a new game anymore?
  12. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Cod WaW

    1. Cod 4 has good multiplayer anyway
    2. IMO cod waw is better than that just from the beta I have played
    3. Get it NAO
  13. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    pacific wars
  14. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    Fallout 3 hands down.

    I've been playing it for the last week, and it's absolutely amazing. If you put Mass effect, oblivion, and Bioshock, along with the essence of pure, unadulterated awesome into a blender the result would undoubtedly be Fallout.

    I can't say much about Gears, however I doubt it's going to be much of a change from the first. I'm not sure if that's good, or bad, however Aside from the storyline I don't really care for it.

    Call of Duty 5 is another WWII shooter. However if you're easily entertained by COD4, then I'm sure you'll like this one... Just don't expect a ground breaking storyline.

    Fable not only felt like a letdown, it also felt like a beta. There are so many bugs it just takes away from the game, and gameplay gets old.

    Then again, those are just my opinions.
  15. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I have no plans on getting any of them. I might get COD W@W, and Gears 2 if I try it at a friends house (and like it).

    But probably none for me.

    The games look great for fans of RPGs or Gears. COD W@W feels like a downgrade of COD4 too me.
  16. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Out of them, it really depends on what type of game you like best. Gears is a third person shooter, W@W is a first person shooter and fallout is an RPG as well as fable. My favorite though is gears of war 2 hands down. I love them game. Its great, little glitchy at times though. It has changed a lot from the first not much by looks, but how the game plays. The graphics are slightly better, and finally they are more than just gray and brown. The thing I like best is the campaign feels like a real war, not just one person going through destroying, you feel like your a tiny part of something huge. I'll also get W@W for its campaign because it looks badass.
  17. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    I would have to say GoW2. The campaign really is epic. The story is great and it is a lot of fun to play. The online multiplayer is amazing too. I don't really like games like fable so I am kind of biased there, and CoD: WaW really is a lot like the 4th game, which, in my opinion, isn't that great. fallout is also pretty fun but I think Gears is better.
  18. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    Y35 has a point. Treyarch said that they don't care about numbers... but Infinity Ward, on the other hand...
  19. SPARTANZ77

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    COD5 is the best out of all of them
  20. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    WaW is 99% the exact same stuff CoD4 was, it's a completely unoriginal game. All they did was rename all the perks, added a few new ones, and added some vehicles (which I feel handle terribly, although I have only used the tank).

    Gears is insanely fun, however the slow matchmaking takes some of the enjoyment out of it. Waiting 15 minutes in a lobby to find a game isn't fun in my book.

    Fallout 3 and Fable 2 I have yet to play. I plan on getting Fallout by Christmas, but I'm not all that interested in Fable 2, although if I have some extra money I will definetly consider getting it.

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