:::Goose Surface::: Hello and welcome to my 3rd map on Forgehub.com At first, i want to say that this is actually my FIRST map ever, on Blackout. Please read, look and enjoy. :::Description::: As i said, this is my first map on blackout. I wasn't really motivated to make a map ON Blackout itslef, so i decided to make a map UNDER Blackout, and a little bit on it... The map is made for a sort of Rocket Race Gametype, but instead of that, the VIP's can die and the drivers don't. I'll explain later on. So... i bassicly made an huge platform somewhat under Blackout. Some of the mongoose path's wil lead you troughout the Blackout pathways and some will lead you all the way to the top of Blackout, where you jump of from a triple ''door'' ramp (very fun ) And now for the Gametype. Note: This map contains two downloads: 1. The maps forged for 4 teams of two. (8 players.) 2. The map forged for 8 teams of two. (16 players.) The reason: I guess there are people that wanto have less lag so they choose for 8 people only. Only if you want to have total chaos fun, download: Goose Surface 8 instead of Goose Surface 4. :::Gametype::: The Gametype is 90% like the Rocket Race Gametype. The Changes are: VIP's have 100% normal damage and they have 1 overschield. The also take 300% less damage. All the VIP's start with a Battle rifle and their shield recharge at 50% less. The driver of the Mongoose is invunrable and can't do any damage with his magnum. So as you start, you need to eliminate the opposite teames as you try to survive.......... on a Mongoose......... with only 1 life. :::Screenshots FTW!::: :::Youtube/Videos::: In Co-operation with (Gamertags): chaimtwee and JoKeStEiN we have Youtube accounts: ''Halo3QualityVideos'' and ''chaimtwee'' [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Every once in a while, we'll post maps and montages for the love of out fans Halo3QualityVideos is our newest account and will contain most of my Forgehub.com maps. Chaimtwee is our oldest account and contains most of my Casual and Infection maps, with the insanly ''i get like freaking 7 friend requests a day godammit'' overwatched map: [COLOR=White] ''My House'' [COLOR=RoyalBlue]haha [COLOR=Black][SIZE=6][COLOR=White] :[/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]:[/COLOR]ownloads and Info:[COLOR=Blue]:[/COLOR][COLOR=White]: [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=4] [COLOR=White]Link one (8 players, 4 teams): [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]Halo 3 File Details Link two (16 players, 8 teams): Halo 3 File Details Gametype (Final Goose): Halo 3 File Details :::Final Words::: I actually suggest the map based on 4 teams of two, only because it's feels less cramped, and because you spawn with two mongooses. In that way, you can change the Gametype to ''lives per round'' to ''2'' instead of ''1''
It looks a little small for the game you described but it sounds very fun. The map looks forged very nicely, I'm loving all the geomerging. I'll definitely give this a download and see what it's like. Very nice job for now.
lol it stretches out the thread. anyway, Judging from the screenshots, it looks like you did take some time working with geomerging. I tried doing that with Blackout, and failed miserably. nice job, I'll have to check out your other maps as well
this is a really good to have fun on, seems very smooth straight ( i like how u made that ramp out of doors)
Every1 that saw the map, liked the curved ramp made out of doors haha. I would like to ask, if some1 has any suggestions for this map? Make things better/worse?
I'm kinda dissapointed by the the comments on this map. I thought people would see the ''geomerging'' effort i put on the map . Thanks for the people that actually left a comment though. This is actually one of my ''better'' looking maps, in combination with good gameplay. You guys think i should make this a competitive or a casual infection map out of this?
This is well forged. I love maps where people make them outside of the maps. (even though bungie gave us the skybubble) It looks like you put a lot of effort into this, and it shows. The map looks awsome, it feels like a James Bond mission. lol I like the idea of mongooses, because it looked like you made the map open enough to use them. Great Idea! 10/10