Goose Massacre

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by kilamanjara14izback, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Goose Massacre
    Goose massacre is an idea I have been sitting on for awhile now but just have not gotten the time to forge. Now that it is christmas break, I have done just that. I believe this game will be exceedingly fun for the expierenced forgers and halo enthusiast, to the 7 years olds who leak into the game for some reason. Now enough of me talking senselessly, onto the description and PICS.

    The best way to tell you how it is, is to show you how it is, so here come the pictures! At the end I will tell you how everything is going to fit in. For the first pictures I will give you a look of the map so you know where everything is.

    Overlooking the whole map

    The human spawn

    The zombie spawn

    You can not crouch out of the human spawn

    However you can drive a mongoose through it, see where I am going with this?

    Now since you have seen those parts I will tell you what is going to happen. The zombies get into a mongoose and drive down the track. They must try to hit a human on the way through. The humans can not jump over the mongooses so they must move side to side in order to dodge the zombies or that will die. How ever the humans do have deployable shields that spawn every 30 seconds. The game goes on for 3 minutes or until all humans are dead. Now to add some slight twist into the game...

    After 1 minute and 30 seconds, lights spawn to make it harder for the humans to see.

    After 2 minutes, gloomy fx appears making it even harder for humans to see.

    That is my map, I have it basically all forged up instead of adding more aesthetics into it and fixing a few things up. If you have any ideas on how to add more things to the game please do say because they do help trust me. Also if you would like me to ask you to help test when I am finished say so and post your gt and I will see if you are online when I am in need of testers.

  2. The Rudster

    The Rudster Ancient

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    This looks like a good map. I look forward to downloading it. Just one thing, It is more apealing to me and I bet to alot of other people if the human spawn room wasmt floating in mid air. I sugest if you want to to put some pillars of the corners. Just a sugestion.

    The Rudster
  3. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like the idea. It's definantly unique. My only suggestion would be to add as many aesthetics to the map as you can, since it's so small. And add railings, otherwise it would just be humans pushing mongooses off the edge.
  4. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Yeah, I made this exact game on Avalanche like a year ago. I like the idea of it being in the Skybubble. I would say that the platform will have to be much bigger. What speed do the humans run? Do the humans become zombies or do they get one life? Again, I would like to see this completed in the skybubble. I think it could be fun. Let us know when you have some of the forging done.
  5. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    The Rudster- I added a column and walls on the sides and corners of the human spawn with large,columns. It looks a lot better thanks.

    Rorak- My next step right now is to add aesthetics and to add railings.EDIT: I believe instead of rails, I am going to making it all enclosed.

    Dream- 100% speed, and they do become zombies. I am still definately debating on both of these however. Once testing goes these will possible be changed. It starts with 25% zombies, I might make it so it is 50% zombies and humans have one life so then a whole 16 people can play. Depending how easy or hard it is for humans I could change their speed up or down.
    #5 kilamanjara14izback, Dec 22, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  6. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    you will probably have to have low damage damage resistance and no shields on humans because mongooses do not kill very well with normal health.
  7. ChargingPanther

    ChargingPanther Ancient
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    It's a very unique idea and I agree with Comis, because mongoose don't get splatters very easily with regular health.
  8. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    I don't think so, I will think about it but so far there has not been a problem with it. I did a very small test last night with 4 people before it ended because there were too many deployable covers which I have fixed now and everyone died if the person got a full running start.
  9. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I would say either 100 speed or 90. Gravity set to like 150 or 200. Start with one zombie or two. Have the last man have like 75 gravity so it's harder to kill the last man.
  10. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    The gravity is not going to be a factor since you can not jump over a mongoose since I have a wall in the human spawn at a certain height to stop that. I believe I said that in my post, if I have not I will change it. As for the speed, I was thinking the same thing, I might make the last man have 100 speed(if base players are 90) or 110 speed(if base players are 100).
  11. The Rudster

    The Rudster Ancient

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    Just one thing I have realised. The zombies could easily get off there mongoose in the human sporn. I dont know how you would get around that but its a great map anyway.
  12. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    There would be no point for them too, because humans would just kill them and get a free kill.
  13. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It seems like a nice idea, and it definitely has the ability to be a fun mini-game, though I don't know about the difficulty. It appears that the zombies would have it much easier than the humans, which I realize is supposed to happen.

    But with the absence of jumping humans wouldn't be able to dodge very effectively. It's a lot easier for someone on a mongoose to correct his path than it would be for the person inside the box to dodge left or right a few feet. With less zombies it would be easier to dodge, but harder for the zombie to not actually hit someone since the box would be full. As the level of humans decrease the level of zombies increases, which would normally keep the game balanced, and it balances it here to from beginning to end. But it would also keep up the difficulty for the humans.

    Now, I haven't played it so I don't know, these are just some of my ideas. I'm sure you've planned for all this, and its your map and gametype so you can keep the difficulty wherever you want it.

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