Goose Line (v1) An original created by xXx E u L o G y Supported Gametypes: Only "Goose Line V" (2 players, territory gametype) Map Description Meant for 2 players and two players only. Goose line is a game where you must try and drive through two posts on a mongoose without being stopped by the guardian. You may use whatever wits and skills you may possess to try and score a point. But beware, the guardian equipped with a gravity hammer may blast you off course at the last second. This map is not a racetrack at all, sorry for the wrong interpretations. Rules: Pretty much, the attacker must stay on a mongoose (attacker will spawn near the mongooses and defender that gate) but other than that there are no rules. You may go anywhere you want on the map and use whatever tricks, and ideas you may come up with to get through the gate. *Note: you may try and cross the line at either direction, both are legal. How to play: There are two posts which the attacker must try and drive through with the mongoose to earn a point. The defender's job is to guard the "line" with a gravity hammer and make sure the attacker doesn't cross it. If the defender can defend for 3 minutes then the roles switch and it is now the previous defender's turn to attack and score points. If the attacker scores a point the round is over and the attacker and defender rotate. Map overiew,and yes that's it. Very simple but very fun and original. Please don't turn down this very entertaining game simply because it is not complex Have fun! and enjoy goose line Download Goose Line map Download Goose Line variant
Second first post in less then 10 seconds.... woot woooooooooooooooot I don't think its a good idea to do a racetrack on sandtrap... so, 3/10 because of the effort and Maaaaaybe its fun to play but I dont think so.
Haha that guy's gonna get some permainfractions. I saw another map and he spammed on there too. This does sound like a good idea. It would work nice for one on one games. Not much else to say than that, considering it uses the sandbox terrain instead of a building.
sorry but this map has, not alot of thight gone into it, NO forging, bad asthetics and the gameplay looks.....well it doesnt. there would be about 50 ways to break the map, and it would get boring as soon as the game starts. the only good thing is that you tried on PRE DLC map. but then again there is no forge work so im sorry 1/10
You know, I think he does have a point. I like this idea, but you can't make it what you want on a map like this. Maybe consider trying it on sandbox (although that would be harder to survive on a mongoose. Perhaps you can take the guardians off and then start with 2 zombies: one covering each checkpoint (which should be more of a base thing.)
is that really it four objects? that doesnt count as a real forge and the gametype sounds awful because its going to get borin for the defender and the mongoose guy because it will just be a back and forth game. if there is more to the map post pictures i dont see how there would be tho. and the really sad thing is that the drop pods are not eve lined up i mean its the least u can do with FOUR OBJECTS!!!!!!!!!! i suggest useing foundry or sandbox next time and try to come up with something that actually requires a little affort to build
The idea of this is great. I had this idea a couple months ago, expect it kinda had the 'Grifball' feel to it, and it was on Foundry. It is pretty unfair to the attacker, because the gravity hammer can send a mongoose off course from a mile away! What are the traits for the defender? I would add something to this. It just seems like it is missing something. Maybe a gravity lift spawns in the middle one minute, 30 seconds into the game? Something that makes the attacker have an advantage? I have no clue. I have to give this a 4/5 because of the great idea, and how much fun this looks. Especially on Sandtrap!
listen i get where you all are coming from in terms of forging. but in terms of the actual game and gameplay i'd like to think its pretty good. agreed it is very simple and again agreed not alot of thought went into the actual forging. but the idea to a while to think of a master, i used to play this with my friends when they cam over and we had a blast, and i decided maybe i'd try and make a more professional and some-what cheat proof version that kept score and put it out there for other. I wish that at least for some of you, could put the fact that it is not a complexly forged map and didn't take a ton of time to actually forge it, enjoy enjoy the well-thought idea and concept and i guarentee you'll find it very entertaining
You are going to need some more pictures of the map, unless that is the only part of it, and if that is the case, I am sorry but a horrible made map, especially on Sandtrap. The goal seems way to simple, just to get past the pods.