Thanks for the comment mag and thanks for helping me test it out. So far your the closest to beating it
i dont really like these tricky obstacle courses. you could make a race so other people can race against one and other.
great idea, looks interesting, original. ive never seen a mongoose obstacle course before i'll dl once my computer starts working( right now i cant get on bungie)
thanks for the feedback everyone and bearcat dude if you didnt like the fact that its an abstacle course you shold just go look at the other 15 pages that do have race tracks instead of telling me i should make one so everyon would be happy. This is for people that could take a brake from the tracks and just mess around with by themselves so id appreciate it if you just stuck with looking at those maps and not commenting negatively on mine saying it should be a track.
Thats like going into a competitive map section and saying i hate this map because its not a race track Oh and try to hit the bridges at an angle. you dont have to just fly strait through both bridges you can stop and regain composuure before you hit the second bridge.
Wow looks fun .. however some of the pics were moved/removed from photobucket .. But the rest of the screenshots look good Good job!