[SIZE=+2]Are you ready for a Goose Chase?[/SIZE] Like most of my maps this one came about by playing around with forge to finding something unusual that I could get creative with. While playing with grids and vehicles I found out that if you put a mongoose between two grids with just the right distance between them, you can board the mongoose from above the grid and drive around, but as soon as you jump off the mongoose it spits you back up above the grids. Well after I figured this out the rest just came naturally. The goal of Goose Chase is pretty simple. Control the hill (mongoose) more than anybody else. It's a free-for-all game with only one round. 150 seconds to win or the most time after 10 minutes. The Goose starts in the garage. The garage serves two purposes. There are 4 teleports for each side of the arena. These teleporters coincide with the four teleporters in the garage. Knowing how to use them can help you move around the map quickly. The other purpose for the garage is to get the game going. One player spawns in the garage with the Goose. As soon as this player boards the Goose he is instantly teleported between the grids and it's game on! Like so... The other players spawn in the arena and are ready to start chasing. Because the Goose is protected by the grid, weapons have no effect on the player riding it. Chasing the Goose down and hijacking it, is the only option players have. Your ability to time the use of you armor ability (sprint, evade, & hologram) will either help you intercept the Goose or leave you just shy. The driver's view floats in and out of 1st person depending on how fast he is traveling and at what angle. This gives you a pretty big blind spot and makes it hard to tell where all the players are. Like I said, boarding is the only way to catch the Goose. Hijacking a vehicle will instantly kill the driver. There are also mines randomly places under the grid which can help or hinder the driver depending on his skill. The mines will not hurt the driver, but if he triggers them, they will blow up. Expert drivers can use them to change direction quickly or get a boost. On the other hand, noobs will just lose their momentum if they hit them dead on. There is also another trick drivers can use the mines for. While being hijacked there is a tiny window of time for the driver to hit a mine and kill the hijacker. After that tiny window of time, both of you are vulnerable to the explosion and will die, but that's better than just getting beat down by the hijacker. Players start with Concussion Rifles and Gravity Hammers with unlimited ammo and bottomless clip. This will help you knock other players away from the Goose and boost yourself around the map. Players are invulnerable outside of the hill except for assassinations. Usually the people who assassinate don't fair so well with KotH time though Overview of the map... ...and a little decoration. And last but not least, some action and fly through of the map. [bungievid]14301432[/bungievid] [SIZE=+2]Download Goose Chase Map[/SIZE] [SIZE=+2]Download Goose Chase Gametype[/SIZE] Thanks to DeusXmachina117 for helping me brainstorm some ideas and test them out, especially with the gametype. And one more thing- No Dinos Allowed!!! Elites are bigger than Spartans and therefore their perspective from the mongoose makes it nearly impossible to see where you're going. The teleporters are also too small for them to fit through, something I would have fixed if their size didn't ruin their ability to play the game.
This look like a great idea and a nicely made map if I do say so myself. I will definitely give it a download and give a review later after a play a few games. I also give a thumbs up for the thread, nice pictures, description, and video! Oh yeah, I also like that you call them dinos, haha.
This looks orgasmic. I looooove chase maps haha, and this one has ALOT of creativity around it. Great job! Downloaded.
So after a few games I noticed it became very hectic when there was more than 8 people in the lobby. If the mongoose became hijacked, almost everyone crowded around the goose. However the game was quite fun with 5 people, and the map itself looked amazing. I also loved the lighting effects you added at the top. But throughout each game I also noticed rare stange glitches. One person became stuck between the grid and floated around the map and no one could kill him, and he couldnt even hijack. One person even got on the passenger seat and could fire at other people. But these strange occasions were very rare, and didnt really effect the game. Overall I enjoyed the map. Perfect for a small lobby, a very orignal idea, and a nicely made map. Good job!