what ever happened to the good old WWI AND WWII and the VIETNAM MAPS? i miss them a lot, i really liked the d-day maps, and stuff, and vietnam tunnels,i wish more people made maps like that what do yall think?
I agree that is why they made the Shell Shocked competition a while back. Now forgingers have gotten so much better it is kind of annoying. Every map is fully interlocked and geoglitched. I think thats why Tex made the Lazy map makers contest. Makes you missmaps like the Estate and other old maps madelate in 2007.
Yeah. All the newer maps just seem to be gettin gimmicky to me, because it seems like all that gets featured, and everything that gets respect, are the competitive maps with all those wierd new gimmicks like door-teleporters and such. The bar has been raised way to high, and in the wrong direction. Its like 3 competitive, gimmicky maps to 1 other kind of map.
Whats lacking in the new maps is there is no story to any of them.There just "an abandoned mine" or "an abandoned business district" WW1 and WW2 provided a story to maps which was good but now any mpa like that has been done to death.I do not condone the resurection of such uncreativeness. What id like to see is some maps that arent just made for the game. IE this is a map thats here for no reason. Or a durr um ah its a sparten trianing ground. We need some decent storylines to go with maps.And have the maps represent them. Turf was a nice map and it fit its description.It was a part of a city you had the downed scarab for awesomness and there were shops and streets put in. Not just MLG Bulls***,here for no reason with even less weapons. Thats not em insulting MLG btw just me insulting the painfully uninteresting names
Yeah... I used to want to always build the "uninteresting fully geo glitched and interlocked maps" but now my goal is to make maps with an awesome story line to them. Not saying that they will be remakes of something that happened a while ago, I just want to have a unique "theme" to maps That is what makes maps interesting... Nowadays all the maps seem to be the same with two interlocked/geo-merged bases one large center structure with something "unique" to it a few other small structures I am ready to see some maps other than maps that are made for MLG or just like a past feature map
I think people became tired of the D Day map variants. They used to be pumped out by the hundreds every day. Of course that doesn't mean there can't be a revival of the genre, as long as it is done well enough.
would love to see some of the old gametypes and maps getting featured again. Sandtrap zombies? so much fun on release days.
Yeah. I remember when Storm the Beach was completely revolutionary. "Whow! The fusion coils just spawn in the air and fall!" Good times! Gooooood times.
well i think like maybe a paratrooper type map with a c-47 ww2 map where u spawn in the thingy and u fly down and theres antiaircraft, bridges, a house or two a barn, train, river, that would be cool
i love storm the beach. i wish people would make more maps like that. man, they were good. also the movies they made with them were also too good to be true