Good ol' Days

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by rusty290, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. Pablo Zoodles

    Pablo Zoodles Ancient
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    halo 2 was alot more fun than halo 3 for the most part... bungie should of just made halo 3 as a graphic update to halo 2 :D

    and i beleive everyone is forgetting about my favourite vehcile that was sadly replaced with the prowler(or atleast thats what i think) the SPECTRE was awesome....
  2. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    the scepter was the warthog, cept plasmay and way retardeder. the real reason halo 3 is less fun is as i stated before, set up for xbl. thats why its so insane on xbl, becasue they decided to forsakethe old lan party fun style
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Ill start by saying overall, i like halo 3 more. I will defend that forever.

    However, there are some minor things that i'd like to see, because i feel they've changed the experience a bit.

    In Halo 2, these are things i liked better:

    - Some of the map designs, although i love alot of H3 maps.
    - Larger, but not ridiculously boring [sandtrap] maps.
    - More focus on dual weilding weapons, they were everywhere.
    - the BR used to be less common, and additionally made its value higher. In H3, they plant them everywhere, and BR starts are common.

    I plan on making the weapon layouts in my maps more like Halo 2 from now on. Dual weapons will be plentiful, and BRs will be something to seek, rather than swimming in them.
  4. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Also lots in halo 3 are industrial so they are just brown and grey which makes it less appeling and the ones that arn't suck i.e. Standoff & Vahalla. Compared to halo 2 where most of the maps were outside and where really vibrent.
  5. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    also, the reason maps in halo 1/2 worked better was becasue they actualy based thier maps and weapons and how they worked on eachother. think about the halo 1/2 map remakes. they all suck becasue the halo 3 weapons and how they work dont fit on the halo 2 maps
  6. rusty290

    rusty290 Ancient
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    I agree, a spartan laser one last resort just doesn't fit. i liked the rocket launcher. sure, the SL is a powerful weapon, but the RL is more balanced for the close quarters fighting in the in the buildings and in wall. nothing more satisfying than rushing in and pulling an al qaeda on you and a friend.
  7. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Halo 2 = Halo 3 gameplay/map-wise IMO.
    Halo 2's maps were much more vibrant and colorful, and were set up in many different places whereas H3's maps are mostly Forerunner structures (which get VERY old and boring after a while). H2 did the large map better, I must say. As silence pointed out, Sandtrap is an extremely boring map (I blame it on the visual style or lack of an appealing one), and Avalanche isn't a whole lot better. As for the BR focus, I have noticed that, but that's a direct result of less dual-wielding. Less dual-wielding is a result of the starting weapon being changed from SMG to AR. Just try playing SMG-start games on Halo 3 maps; they become much less BR-oriented. Gameplay and fluidity wise Halo 3 has everything in the bag. Meleeing is fair, lag is less prevalent, and framerate is much higher. Graphics are more detailed and lightmaps are actually convincing. Plus, H3's default player speed seems just right to me, while Halo 2's had always felt a tad slow.

    As for LAN's, I'm proud to say my group of friends has a few all-nighter Halo parties each year, and each of them are pretty damn epic. Some particularly epic matches have been had in Halo 2, though we've yet to have a truly epic H3 match. I remember in particular a 4v4v4 stationary King game on Sanctuary my Freshman year (during a massive blizzard) that lasted around an hour with constant lead switching and the like, and a particularly epic 8v8 Coag CTF game that lasted almost two solid hours and had ridiculously high kill totals. :D
  8. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    halo 2's campaign was so much better!! Halo 3's campaign sucks because brutes are so easy and they are no where near as hard to kill as the elites in halo 2, replacing elites with brutes was good for the sake of the storyline, but in terms of gameplay versing the elites was so much more fun.

    And halo CE was the hardest and funnest of the lot, like in halo 3 last level, theres not even a countdown! that is what sucked the most about halo 3's campiagn i reckon.

    I remember having a day when me and three friends got together on the same xbox and had a 3 vs 1 on my friend, not knowing how awesome he was. the final score was 31-12 to him i think.
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    That pretty much describes what happened with me.

    Me, and 5-7 other guys would get down on some serious halo 2, back in my buddy's basement. We'd get stoned as **** & play for hours on end. There'd be soooo much **** talking (as mentioned in the OP) & literal throwing of objects. Those indeed were the good 'ol days, this thread is rightfully titled, my good sir. I just remember, we'd be playing 3v3/4v4 brs on lockout or a few other maps (very seldomly) & only stop for cigarretes & pot (maybe some food ocassionally). It's fun getting a headshot on a buddy X amount of feet from you, but when you, immediately after headshotting him, throw something & nail his forehead...That's when you've got yourself a good evening.
  10. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    lol, Tex. So true, cept for the drugs and such, for me.
    Smack talk was so much fun. Oh, and when your friend would think it funny to spam the crap out of X before the game starts... Punches were thrown.
  11. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Best game I've ever had was a Halo 2 match. LAN, 4v4, Team Territories on Headlong. Simply way too epic for words. The entire game felt like I was organizing with my squad to capture each building. Oh, and the best single kill I had ever gotten came from that game: I was trying to throw plasma nades into the second floor of the building, but I missed the first and second one by aiming them at the wrong spot. Well, the first nade landed, and just when the second nade was about to land at the same spot, the first nade exploded, throwing the second nade back up to the second floor window and sticking someone on the head.

    My best group of kills, ever, was a 6 player Slayer match on Zanzibar. I drove a Gauss hog into the back nook of the beach, had the turret face the ocean, and camped that ***** out. I got like, 23 or so kills in a row before someone actually got smart and picked up a Rocket Launcher to shoot me down.

    Back in H2, I had godly skills with vehicles. Give me a Scorpion, and I will snipe a guy halfway across Coag. Gauss hogs were better, but best when they were parked. Wraiths, though, those were the bomb. The first moment I played in a Wraith in H2 was the motivation that got me into keep playing Halo. Wraiths were the **** back then. Super powerful, with a slower curve to the plasma ball.
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I just remembered another thing i miss.

    the Brute Plasma Rifle.

    Hell ****ing Yeah.

  13. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Yeah what ever happened to that? Is there a reason they discontinued it for Halo 3?
  14. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    probaby didnt think it was worth having, plus the addition of the mauler and spiker.


    id love to have it in at random once in awhile, like on Turf.
  15. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I loved Turf (LOVED), and I truly miss the Brute Plasma Rifle. I'm sure at the time it was a cheap and easy way to add more diversity amongst the covenant weaponry.

    It was probably removed because of balance issues, the plasma rifle is pretty damn strong right now as is.

    I really miss playing on Turf, Headlong, and Terminal....all of the modern, urban environments were tons of fun to play on.
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    yeah, i figured. Thats why id like to see like... 2-3 maps overall with maybe 1 on each. Just to have it around again.

    As for Terminal, i cant say i shared the love for that one. I didnt like how it played.

    The other maps were awesome though :D

    I miss Ivory Tower :(
  17. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    So true. Bungie perfected Urban maps in Halo 2. And their quality has decreased.
    Thing is, Halo 2 had much more simplicity to the layout and looks. The Layouts in Halo 3 are way more diverse and all the small little details (like the ridges and groves on the walls) an everything eat up your grenades. I really miss the Halo 2 maps, the Halo 3 ones just aren't as epic.


    I MISS them so much.

    Me and my mates would always run Random weapons on Foundation at every LAN. I had one about a week ago. We played Halo 3, got bored of it and threw up Halo 2 for a few games. You just enjoy yourself much, much more when you're playing Halo 2, there's something special about that game.
  18. rusty290

    rusty290 Ancient
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    So true. Halo 2 was pretty simple but the simplicity made it hell a lot of fun. Sure, I had a couple of good moments in Halo 3, but Halo 2 still remains at the top of the funnest times I've had while playing a video games. God i wish they changed the lung with the sword in Halo 3 back to the lung in Halo 2. And i think they should bring Headlong and Turf back.

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