Basically, I've been trying to brainstorm a map that is fun, fair, but at the same time, chaotic. I have an idea of a Team King of the Hill game in Valhalla, with three parts of the map, the bases, the fields, and the conflict area, where the hill area is. The bases is where teams respawn, also where an immovable Wraith would be, shooting blind shots into the other team's field, where some barricades and some fusion coils are at. The barricades are for cover from mortar shots from the other team's Wraith and from gunfire by the other team. The fusion coils, are obviously for blowing up by the Wraiths, getting more damage and more kills. Then where the confict area is, have a Laser, that respawns later in the game, to rid the other team's Wraith, and a regenerator, to stay alive from the other team. There would be a variant for that map, which would make the player's shields not regenerate, except for the regenerator of course. I am not sure of what the starting weapon and the weapons on the map would be :-\. If you have any ideas to add to this, I would be glad of that.