Unfortunately, my xbox disc drive has failed. So, until a friend of mine comes up here to take a look at it, I am stuck with arcade games. I've been playing Doom, Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, and Uno (I have Halo, but it just pisses me off...). These are fun games, but they are getting old fast. I want some suggestions for some good arcade games. I'm planning on buying BF1943 since I can't play BFBC anymore, but I would like some more options. Anyone? Thanks.
'Splosion Man is tons of fun for only 800 points. I'd recommend that. Trials HD is fun although I'm still debating on whether or not it's worth $15. And you never got Castle Crashers? Definitely my favorite and longest lasting arcade game. Plenty of people on FH would be willing to play it with you as well.
Download N+. It's pretty damn fun. Plus, you'd probably enjoy the create your own level mode. Another fun one is zp2k9. It reminds me of a combination of super smash brothers, and small arms.