GOLF WORLD CHALLENGE ADVENTURE SERIES Thanks to MikeFest (a 2nd time winner), Golf World Challenge 8 has been unlocked! He was the first to post a completion run of Golf World Challenge 7: Pirate Attack. Excellent job! The challenges have become progressively harder…. The future map release criteria remains the same: The release of Golf World Challenge 9 is up to YOU! A fan of Golf World Challenge must beat the level and provide proof. You must use the Golf World Challenge Gametype, use between 1-4 players, and cannot cheat. Either send me a link to your file share, a YouTube video, or upload to forum. (If you upload to forum, please put under a spoiler button). First person to send me a link will unlock the next map for everyone and get a mention in the next post. The second stipulation is that I won’t release the next map until it has been one week from the last map post. Good luck and have fun! This is the eighth level in the adventure series of golf! If you haven’t played the previous seven levels, view the links in my signature block or search the Mini Game Map Forum for Golf World Challenges 1 through 7. Download the Golf World Challenge Gametype. This gametype should be used for all Golf World Challenge levels. Continue your adventure around Forge World with up to four players coop (or just yourself) making precise shots, overcoming obstacles, defeating bosses, and solving a few puzzles along the way. There will be 9 maps with a total of 18 holes that are meant to be played in order. Whoever thought we would be playing golf with Halo? All maps from GWC 6 through GWC 9 will incorporate puzzles. They won’t be insanely difficult, but you should find them challenging enough. This will certainly require you to be more observant and explore a bit more. You should have a good combination of puzzles and obstacles. Good luck! GOLF WORLD CHALLENGE #8: WATERFALL COVE Holes #15 and #16. You have destroyed the pirate ship and successfully scattered the pirates back out to sea. You continue on your intended path towards the waterfall. The cove ahead is notorious for assembling the vile creatures of the deep sea. The heavily-armed and clever Waterfall Sentinel watches over this region. Cross the wrecked bridge, decipher and exploit any of the creature’s weaknesses, ascend the waterfall, and foil the Sentinel’s scheme! SOME IMPORTANT NOTES: -Read above for the map release criteria. GWC 6 through GWC 9 will contain puzzles, obstacles, and golf shots in them. -You will have the choice of a golf club or hammer. The physics are different for each, but you will be able to make all shots with either. Highly recommend you practice with both in the earlier levels. Looking up, looking down, running forward (pretty much any movement) will have an effect on how far the ball travels when you hit it. -You may have to look and think a little, but it shouldn’t be too cryptic on where you need to hit the ball. The zoom function will help out. You will know when you have made a good shot. Then search around for an open teleporter. -A teleporter/checkpoint system has been used for these levels. You will not be able to access the next hole until you beat the first one. -You may see Xs on some maps. Don’t try to go there, you will die. You won’t be able to cheat either. -Based on the occasional random nature of Halo physics and lag, the occasional flaw will happen. However, we have spent hours of testing trying to minimize it as much as possible. Know that golf balls should reset automatically every 4 minutes or so if you hit it off the map. -Make sure you have a strong connection with the folks you are playing with. When testing, it was noted that the non-host on a slow connection would have trouble hitting the ball straight due to lag. If you can’t avoid a slow connection with friends, have the host hit the ball. -We have implemented ball returns and ball loaders. Yes, we are aware of games like Haloball that would preclude needing loaders and returns and would spawn balls immediately. First, as much time as it took, it was fun to create these. Second, Haloball rules would just not work for some parts of the level. Third, we wanted to incorporate more than 1 person playing. The other players can load balls, guide player shots in, and explore. Some of the later levels are not so clear cut…. -We tried to make the levels as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Most buildings and architecture have support structures where possible. Our biggest crunch was money. -I had previously released the first 4 Golf World Challenges on my file share with no announcement. There have been some improvements and updates made to include a new gametype, make sure to re-download each map and use the Golf World Challenge gametype link above. This gametype should be used for all Golf World Challenge levels. -Finally, Bul1etCatcher and I have teamed up to create these levels and provide some hopefully challenging and entertaining levels to a certain segment of the Halo fan base. Constructive comments are welcome especially if you find flaws not mentioned above. I already appreciate some of the comments I have received so far (including my disturbing-sounding gamertag which Xbox actually recommended....) Have fun!
Hey me and a friend completed your map, here is the link: : Halo Reach : File Details Can't wait for the next one!
Excellent job on being the first to complete! So.....thanks to Continental93 and BROOKIE44528, GWC 9: Clifftop Guardian has been unlocked. However, according to my map release criteria, it must be one week since my last level post. So GWC 9 will be posted sometime this Thursday, conveniently for Thanksgiving! Continental, your video was a pretty fast run of the level. Nice job! It definitely is easier with two or more people. I found your constant Mongoose fails funny, but it was intended that way to add to the challenge. The kill ball can come out of nowhere too. Great job solving the puzzles. You got some of them on your first or second try. There is another method of releasing the balls on the Watefall Sentinel, can you figure it out? If you have any feedback, let me know. Be prepared for the upcoming release of holes 17 and 18 later this week....